Mehgan: 'Do you know who my zombie Dad is?!?'

PS: 'please buy my book!'

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He was also one of the big sponsors of the bill that put limits on campaign funding, until the (already right-wing and out of control) SCOTUS pissed all over that by pretending that the Reconstruction Amendments are intended to protect corporations (and money), not people.

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"and he was a very powerful politician. He wielded a ton of power. He ran Arizona with an iron fist."

Kari is very good at saying a couple of true things to set up the lie. McCain never "ran" Arizona nor was he even interested in that. He was first elected to the Senate in 1986, winning the seat after Barry G. retired. He wanted to be president but that wasn't going to happen. The last thing he cared about was getting bogged down in the mud trying to run the loony bin that is the AZ GOP. One thing McCain did not like and that was TFG. Kari has trumpstank all over her.

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Now wait a minute. You can joke about most things but....

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Really? Hmm I thought for sure he would cave on health care. I thought sending time with other cancer patients might have convinced him that they needed health care. I became even more obvious to me, while we spent time in waiting rooms exchanging stories. Having cancer is really expensive, especially if you have no one to take care of you. 10 free rides to chemo and then you have to pay. Charity only goes so far.

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believe itor not, she used to live in NYC and be more like a Rockerfeller Republican. She married that loser and now she is like a 100% MAGA even though Trump insulted her father.

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Oh hells no he didn't. It says everything that his own experience taught him nothing.

Then again, he was likely spared having to sit with the peasantry...

He was just pissy over what he regarded as Senatorial misbehavior but he was fine with stripping care from desperate people who did not have his coverage or personal wealth.

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Wouldn't that have been head-exploding season? The two things Republicans couldn't abide by in the presidency: A Democrat in the Oval Office or a woman in the Oval Office.

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They're playing for the TV audience. They get bored real fast with scenes that are all dialogue and no action, and they hate reruns.

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I'm sorry. It's true that I never heard Godzilla suggest she identified with any particular American political party.

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Named for the mother's side of Bruce's family. Something I didn't know before watching The Batman.

The other thing I learned from The Batman was best summed up by Ms. O. "I didn't think it was possible to make a bad Batman movie."

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Quirky has a harmless vibe to it. No one on the right has a harmless vibe to them.

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Saw him and the miz in an interview near the ends of their lives. They were asked about a faction who wanted to remove his name from the state party headquarters. He said that, if his views were so out of synch with theirs, he'd bring the ladder and tools and pitch in.

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Not a big McCain fan, but it's hard to see him fucking up a performative audit as badly as this crew did.

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Hail to the Queen!

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Ta, Stephen. Kari Loon Lake.

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