YAY! Gonna skip the first day because plague germs but hopefully Thursday.

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Fun fact: Bart Kegstand has never picked a jury or conducted a trial.

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I would say Mr. Lowry is more than a day late and a dollar short in his concern over expanding the SOTU resulting in delegitimatizing the top court. The only thing giving any prestige to the “good ole boys club was NRGB. Bless her soul.

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Factually accurate, guaranteed to put the press to sleep. Headline:"Biden Won't Answer Packing Question. Also, boring."How about:"Senator Harris and I will be elected to protect Americans' health, voting and reproductive rights and jobs, from radical Republican judges. This is what a majority of Americans want and that is what we will do."

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Two of the most loathsome people on Planet Earth are in that split.

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Sounds more like Count von Count to me.

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I keep saying: Democrats need to get better at branding. Call it unpacking the court. Stop using their terminology.

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It's an older one, set after "If this goes on".

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Once again, the media isn't any help either. We have two state supreme court seats up for reelection this year. Both Republicans. If their Democratic challengers both win, it will switch the court from a Republican majority to a Democratic majority.

In making their endorsements in these races, since judges can't campaign the way other elected officials do, the local paper just used the ABA ratings for all four candidates and endorsed the top scoring candidate in each race. In one race, they endorsed the Republican incumbent because she was rated three points higher than her Democratic opponent, and, in the other race, endorsed the Democratic opponent because he was two points higher than the incumbent.

Why not just flip a coin?

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It's called the Schlafly Conundrum.

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He was one of the big three in the 40's: Asimov, Heinlein, Hubbard (and L. Ron actually produced and sold more stories than the other two).

Unfortunately, he decided he wanted to be rich without working for it.

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I'm ok with people in jail/prison/mental hospital not voting. I agree with ending voter suppression for everything else, though. Automatic citizenship should be granted to military members and people who have other achievements.

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More like documented pervert, Bringham Young.

Trouble is, I don't believe in the Devil, or an old man on a cloud directing all the minutia of this world.

I do, however, believe in freewill. Know what really goes down good with freewill? Democracy.


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I called Rob today. Went straight to voicemail. Voiced my objection to his support for whatshername and promised we wouldn't forget his actions when he comes up for reelection.

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You can't combine states against their will, sadly

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wydaho gotta go marry donald trump

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