"Can you imagine if [the previous White House occupant] had a dog" No, actually I can't imagine the Ex having a dog. But W had dogs, including the well-known Barney who bit a reporter, breaking the skin unlike the present incident, requiring bandaging. He also went at Jenna according to her.

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For Republican Politicians, I'd prefer them out of office.For Fox News I prefer it bankrupt.

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this will be the last message I send on this thread

I do not think it was a "serious miscommunication," which was your specific charge -- why choose not to repeat it here verbatim? Kind of makes it seem you don't believe it was serious, either

especially in light of the belligerent disposition and demeanor you've displayed thus far, I'm pretty certain you'd make sure to repeat your full accusation again if you truly believed it

if I had the time, energy, or patience to continue, which I do not, I would be fascinated to see your account of where anger issues are being displayed here

again, kinda seems like projection on your part, but what do I know?


I'm sorry that you're embarrassed to have misconstrued the original post

Bless your heart

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Man! They both scream Youth Pastor.

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What about Gym? Brown shoes with a blue suit?

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The resemblance to Beavis and Butthead is uncanny.

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Doesn't Norway own Greenland? Maybe she's closing the deal for Joe to buy Greenland so that's something else he can throw in Donnie Diaper's face.

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I'm a little bit behind you and while I'll be able to remember when the names of all the young women who work at my office once we reopen after Labor Day, I know i won't be able to match names and faces.

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"You know, that guy from that show. He was in that movie..."

There was a documentary about him.

And a sequel, apparently!

And one just about Star Trek guests.

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To be fair, the previous VP's only job was to feed his boss' ego.

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And there's probably plenty of people there who don't "speak dog" so would miss any cues Major tried to give that he was distressed and needed some space.

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My mom used to say that to us! And her dad to her.

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or camp counselors ... LOL

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"His ears are back and he is showing me his teeth. Silly dog thinks I'm a dentist. Ok, I will reach for his muzzle like I am going to check his teeth. He will enjoy my playing along..." -- Agent 'Lefty'

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Fox News: International Leaders, all of whom laughed former, now twice impeached, President Trump out of their countries and/or their continents, had lovely, executive, business-centered conversation with Vice-president Harris.

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