Justice Kingdom of God should never have gotten that seat.

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I remember watching "Lost Horizons" after hearing the book on tape and disappointed that "the Little Manchu" was just a white actress. WTF?

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Uncle TIM says what?

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Ta, MM.

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And I think Sam Jaffe was the Lama.

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"with hookers, and blackjack!"

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I hope Madam Speaker has not lost her ability, per her daughter, to slice a person's head off so they don't know they're bleeding (or something like that).

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Just. Do. It.

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We have a phone scam epidemic in this country. It exists because enough people fall for the very obvious con. Honestly, someone from India (or wherever) calls and wants your checking account number? Ven diagram: these are the same people who vote cluelessly and succumb to nonsense.

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How about bleach? Are these bacteria resistant to bleach? How about hydroxychlorowatzitcalled? just asking questions. - Tucker Carlson, probably

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"The 1/6 Commission, Sponsored by Nike"

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That is so rotten. That is really rotten.

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See a doctor. You have an obvious case of ONANISM.

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You can't kiss a chicken or a snake but can you kiss a Baby Yoda?

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blunt is right. Let's impanel the commission so that the proceedings peak right before November 8th. Thank you, roy.

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Sorry but I disagree.

I think too many people on our side have convinced themselves that nuking the filibuster is some magic wand that will unleash the Age of Aquarius. But I remember when a lot of the same people spent years screaming at Pelosi to IMPEACH TRUMP NOW!!!! I remember hearing how having his crimes laid out on television day after day would move the needle of public opinion and finally be the thing that will hold him accountable. I remember people **coughsarahkendziorcough** claiming Pelosi was weak and working for Donald Trump. (Seriously fuck that concern trolling grifter and her doomer podcast.)

In the end we impeached - and after the Ukraine call I agreed that we had no choice - but it accomplished nothing.

Now I see the same energy, except now people are attacking Manchin and Sinema instead of Pelosi.

There's always a magic wand and always a scapegoat.

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