ennh...i wouldnt piss on him if he were on fire on my front lawn

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The reduced expense will end up part of the tax break for the rich.

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End Christian terrorism? That's unamerican!

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Not to mention the nuclear winter - the list now reads no food, no water, no sunshine. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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i tried, can't watch it.

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Oh, and about why that AUMF has been in force for so long: President Obama wanted a separate AUMF to attack ISIS, but Congress refused on the basis that Republicans wanted to keep the current one open-ended for when the liberal monstrosity was out of the White House. Linky is to a National Review article that is quite proud of the reasoning at the time -- if you don't want to click it, the essential graf is:

But the president’s failure isn’t the end of the matter. Congress has the power to pass a “clean” AUMF and put it on Obama’s desk, but it hasn’t done so. Instead, it’s functionally treating previous authorizations as unlimited declarations that authorize the president to use all force he deems appropriate. In other words, it seems as if Congress is willing — for now — to rest the legal case for war on previous authorizations and ride out the rest of Obama’s term.

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You should try reading past the first sentence next time, asshat.

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But what about Trump's war on decency and competence? He still has umlimited authorization to fight those right (otherwise, that's just un-American)?

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Turtles. I have video of turtles at the zoo getting it on, and you would not believe the groaning.

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Also big thumbs up to Rep. Lee (and yet another point for us "Coastal Elites" in "Libtardistan" See we can be "elitist" because we vote in people like this instead of unhinged and incompetent bullies going against our best interest in order to "get back" at boogeymen and scapegoats.)

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Love that woman. When we secede to become the People's Republic of California, Lee's gonna be our first president.

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Responsible parents wouldn't let their kids wave toy guns around in the street...

Why should we let an impulsive man baby have real weapons to play with?https://media.tenor.com/ima...

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There are reports of 6,775 civilian deaths per day in America alone since Trump entered office.


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This President respects women.https://www.instagram.com/p...

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She has more backbone than the rest of all of them combined. When she voted "no" on the AUMF in 2001 she showed more principles and courage than I think our society is even capable of understanding.

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how do they work?(sn)

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