Apparently you believe "continents" exist. Are you some kind of scientist?

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Do you mean Elian "The Unvetted Communist" Gonzalez?

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Talk about your one-trick ponies!

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If we cracked down on religions that practice human sacrifice, we'd cut down on the death rates.

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Thanks for the correction. Meant Iraq. Had nothing to do with geographic proximity.

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Thank you for your post. However, my point wasn't that they'd be wanted by the Kurds. I agree with you. The Kurds are excellent military strategists and fighters.

My issue is how the gop front runners run their mouths but none of them has ever served in the military. It's their macho posturing that pisses me off. Also too how they distespect those who have. I'm not pro-military but even I respect people like McCain, Kerry etc...

Yes I remember the tragic assault of Yazidi communities. The Kurds know their shit. It's too bad we couldn't have provided arms sooner. I'm totally for arming the Kurds.

Good people at Walter Reed. Thank you for all you do.

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Maybe. But then there's those murderous anti-religious governments like the Khmer Rouge.

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I think it's passion. :-)

Snark is sometimes difficult during dark times.

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And the Syrian Satanists. They're the only religious group that doesn't have an active militia in the mideast right now.

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Funny, Rep. Crock-o-Buck also disproves evolution.

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Well, judging from that photo, these deadbeats probably just want to take advantage of our buildings that haven't been reduced to rubble. They shoulda' taken care of their OWN buildings and not let them get blowded up like that!

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And classy!

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Oh, relax....there'll be plenty of panic between now and Santa day...

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Well, on the upside, wingnuts will be proven correct that global warming was not the cause of our sea levels rising.

The 2015 floods of wingnut terror-urine was.

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Has he stopped beating his wife, then?...

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