Um, isn't that the kind of thing that CPS sees as medical neglect?

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Child abuse.

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I assume this guy's also in favor of raising the minimum wage to the point where everyone has savings they can put into a medical savings account, right? Right?

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Shouldn't you factor in the cost of the funeral? Or does that only count as after-care?

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Republicans can learn, albeit sometimes the hard way. I know a Republican guy whose kid broke his ankle on a family vacation. Kid was horsing around, as they do, jumping and such. Parents made him tough it out the day and a half remaining of vacation, drove home and took him to the doctor. When my Republican friend found out his kid's ankle was broken, he really felt bad. I do not think he will make that mistake again. But he is smarter than most Republicans I know.

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As an oldz, I can offer this medical advice. Always make your appoints with your doctor for the morning. Because if it's late afternoon, and they find something fishy, they send you to the ER, even if it's something they could take care of themselves, because it's quitting time, and they are going home. So you end up going to the ER at dinner time, and that is no fun at all.

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Sigh. You are right.

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Lucky you, the life insurance policy covers that very nicely. And I just happen to have one right here!! For the low, low price of $50,000 per year . . .

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With emergency clinics on almost every corner that take insurance - why go to the ER?

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I had 4 unit blood transfusion. Scheduled as outpatient, 2 units a day. Only a nurse and a lab tech needed. Sat in chair, no complications. Got a bill for $9000!!!!!! Fully insured BCBS(me), network, not-for-profit hospital. I refused to pay and a year later they sued me. Went to trial. Judge reduced it to $2500. Thanks to all you wonderful citizens that donated your blood. The hospital is making a fortune off you. Citizens need to stand up for themselves. Don't pay for something you feel is egregious. Speak up! Tell your story! You are not alone. Question everything.

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At that point there won't be any ice floes... {shrugs}

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I have seen this several times in my time as an ED and ICU RN and prehospital provider. Cannot upfist this enough!!

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Meanwhile civilized countries have single payer/national health.

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Yep. I despair.

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Thank you. I'm so sorry about your sister. How hard for you. She sounds amazing too.

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Oh, yes, I totally, totally agree with that. It's the hospital CEOS and the insurance companies, they're out and out villains. The doctors and nurses are the heroes trying to take care of you, doing everything they can, and so much of their valuable time is spent on ridiculous paperwork...

I can totally believe the insane story about the inhaler. How terrible! My husband had hip surgery, and he vomited all night afterwards, and in the morning he just wanted some Tums, and they said they had nothing like that (in a fucking hospital?) Luckily he had me, and I went to CVS and bought him some Tums. Then, some nurse type dude comes in just before he's released, with some sort of cooling machine that he's "supposed to have" for his icing. So we take it, okay. Come to find out the device isn't approved, isn't covered, and they try to sock us for thousands and thousands of dollars for a fucking device that was easily duplicated by a, you know, ice pack.

However I fought them like the dickens and so far, no bill has materialized, it's been two years so I'm cautiously optimistic. And don't even get me started on the physical therapy he needed, that was pre-approved and pre-paid, that Providence Hospital then said wasn't, and again, tried to get thousands and thousands of dollars from us, sending us bills, more bills, bills with penalties and even fucking siccing a debt collector on us but HA! HA! they didn't know who they were fucking with,I fought them tooth and nail, phone call after phone call, for literally an entire year, calling higher and higher up the chain and escalating and escalating, and I WON!

But that is all too rare, and by the way? If I was the one who was sick, and weak, and vulnerable, or just didn't feel appropriately empowered, or wasn't smart and articulate, WHAT THE FUCK? Preying on people at their most vulnerable. True villains, the most disgusting people in the world.

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