Got Mittuns? wha?

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I'm sure that many's a ghost of a wounded Civil War soldier who loved that big gay Walt Whitman tended to them in the infirmary, read them poetry, and after lights out, provided a gentle handie. He probably snuck them his flask o' booze, too! In a seánce, I bet lots of dead Civil War soldiers would think fondly of Big Gay Walt, and would want him to be happy. "He was really, really fun" says the Ouija board.

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They don't actually watch the payment being made, which is rather difficult to do without seriously invading the shopper's personal space. They just use their imagination. It's more reliable, dontcha know.

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A new, compelling narrative can change a lot of minds. (Just ask Harriet Beecher Stowe.) I would not automatically assume that soldiers from that era, if provided with knowledge of 20th and 21st century history, would necessarily be so close-minded. As long as he remains locked into his era your hypothetical soldier might very well react as you describe. But once you inform him of the history that has occurred between his time and ours you take him out of his historical context and insert him into a new one. Once you do that you can no longer predict what his reaction would be.

This is yet another reason (as if he needed any) why Grothman is full of BS. It's trivial for sure, but the derp is so deep with this one that all anyone can do (without risking serious head:desk concussions) is skim the surface.

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Hamilton was more progressive, he just wanted the President and Senators to be elected for life.

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Serious face.The ACW wasn't about slavery, it was about the union. The SECESSION was about slavery. They even wrote it down saying "Its all about slavery" in an attempt to help fuckwits 150 years later who say it isn't, it was about States Rights (to keep slaves) and Manly things (like whupping male slaves and raping female slaves) and not about slavery AT ALL.

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The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

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He's certainly the most batshit crazy.

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Wisconsin's 6th Congressional District (sigh). This is where some D-bag GOP leader called for a vote to secede from the U.S.; I did a little research at the time, and was amazed at how well and truly fucked that area would be if they lost Big Bad Gubmint contracts.

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Granted, it wasn't the pic so much as the text that prompted that little piece of snark.

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if by 'fought' you included 'for government contracts' then you would be correct.

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Glory, glory-hole a luh ya!


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show them a calculator and they'd probably shoot it for having a demon inside.

2+2=4 . . . "how does it know?"

[ yes, i almost spelled it 'daemon' ]

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congratulations (or condolences as necessary) you have made it into The Book of Wonderfulness™

[ i shall endeavor to spread the word ]

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Arrogant robed people? Oh, I thought you meant these disgusting, worthless wastes of oxygen:

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