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I find your ideas interesting and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

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That is simply amazing.

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Their gimmick can't be that simple, can it????

So, yeah. It can be that simple.

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Or eat anything that had to pass inspection. You know, so they don't die.

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A lot of the writers disappear fairly rapidly, so the editrix probably doesn't want to waste her time introducing them.

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I for one am awaiting a full report from the Tampa area Craigslist "man to man" section.

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But that way, Sea World can't make up for their loss by selling the dead whale to Japan.

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you must have that inside industry track.

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Sorta OT, but over at the <a href="http:\/\/www.newyorker.com\/online\/blogs\/johncassidy\/2012\/08\/romneys-biggest-problem-hes-a-republican.html#entry-more" target="_blank">New Yorker</a> is a good summary of what is wrong with the Repubs today

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At last: actual irony.

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Note the sub-head

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We built it? If any of these morans ever swung a hammer I’m sure someone got hurt.

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