give it a rest, fellow.

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You're only fooling yourself!

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Get lost!

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Your wondering seems like something Wonder Land....LOL!

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Looks like Liz just blew it up. Also, there's another site that meta blows it up, pointing out the motivation and suggesting we just ignore the toddler pushing it. The site has lots of asks for subscription - but I think it pairs nicely with Wonkette. Here's that article. https://pressrun.media/p/me...

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Thank you. How can we get it projected outward so we can be done with it? I think McConnell has done his one 'sort of righteous walkback' of the century so we can't expect him to stand up in the sentence and explain the process. I don't see why our excellent guys in the senate and the house seem like guys without voices. Can't they just go out on the steps and say something funny to a reporter, be asked to explain and then explain. 'This is what unmasking is.' An entire investigative hearing was ruined by it about three years ago. Anyway, thank you Java man.

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OR when someone gives them any order except 'fire!' Because wouldn't that infringe on their freedom as Americans? I mean, respect!

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Sorry, thought you meant "blow it up" as in actually report what is really going on, because that is a thing that only happens in places like Wonkette (super snarky) and that Press Run place (straight up, no snark reporting)

I didn't read your comment carefully enough, and I totally agree. But until dems standing up and telling reporters what the facts are is reported accurately, it won't get amplified to the point that people actually hear about it. So I guess I can see how I misinterpreted. I mean, some dems are already telling the truth but we mostly hear about those crazy socialists and how stupid is Warren for thinking she could just post the results of her DNA tests and having it taken at face value.

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And it works, every fucking time.

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Not really, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining to the guy with hidden comments.

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Linseed's up for election this year. He knows doing a Nunes moo moo hearing could sink him. He'll just continue all the tough talk in the media. Much safer that way.

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Do I really HAVE to think about what you... discussed.. in your parenthetical? I'm trying to eat over here.

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i can't even even.

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The number of unmasking requests is far less important than the number of unauthorized request. Of the list of 40, the DNI specified 16 were authorized thereby 60% were unauthorized requests.

Flynn's conviction was the result of prosecutorial misconduct wherein the FBI's self-proclaimed “Magnificent Three” engaging in evidence falsification, illegal search & seizure, and concealing documents needed to mount a defense Subsequently, Flynn was forced into a plea agreement to mitigate damages.

Flynn's counsel has since found the documents, concealed in direct violation of Brady v. Maryland, and filed motion to dismiss for egregious government misconduct. Due to overwhelming evidence the government filed motion to dismiss rather than fight a losing battle. It should have been over but instead a District Judge, who more than apparently has a beef with Flynn, appointing one of the self-proclaimed “Watergate Prosecutors” to stand in place of government. Thus, now, the Judicial Branch has violated the Constitutional separation of power to defend prosecutorial misconduct.

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There, you said it!

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