Should have made RonAnon read the whole damn bill himself.

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Weelll, it's 40 belowAnd I don't give a fuckGot a heater in my truckAnd I'm OFF! to the rodeoooo!

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Jesus Tapdancing Fucking Christ on a cracker! It’s March of 2021 and people are already giving up on the 2022 midterms. Pull yourselves together, man. The reason why progressives lose is because we give up after the first bloody nose. Republicans didn’t fuck this country overnight. It took decades of concerted effort on their part to build up the oligarchy. We’re not going to reverse it over night. It takes time and mostly, it takes people willing to get out there push for progressive candidates that can win elections.

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Freestyle haiku. I can dig it.

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No harm, no foul. Just letting people know.

As penance, go watch the first three seasons of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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While you're at it send him this https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Division 34, of course.

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What do we do if our obstructionists really get in the way of passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act? We are gonna need to protect voting to sideline them from obstructing in the near future.

I really want someone (us) to dig up something to strongarm them with, if for only just this one bill.

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I guess when you’ve seen one dildo, you haven’t seen them all

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we aren't sure they have the perseverance of the original Evil Empire

They've got real work to do, like going on Fox and OAN and Ben Shapiro's YouTube show.

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To me personally, your poetic profanity has been a shining beacon on a hill, to mix my metaphors. Or similes. Or whatever.

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They probably thought you were illustrating, a la Uncle Kurt.

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So Canadian with a question here. In the Senate down there isn't there a whip system? Republicans seem to have a lot less trouble with members, so do they have a whip and Democrats don't?👺

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yeah, I have that Vonnegut t-shirt.

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there are whips but generally speaking Conservatives have a lot less trouble falling in line. and that's not limited to any single country it seems.

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