or help with child care, family sick leave, getting equal pay for equal work. Cuz if you ask for any of those things, you are just a whiny selfish bitch.

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<i>"This year, Republican women are taking back the future."</i>

But, but . . . we <i>want</i> the future!

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"We’re the take-the-initiative party. The party that won’t give up."

And that's what makes you so fucking annoying.

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This won't appeal to the republican martha washington style patriots who think they SHOULD be sitting around sewing things and not getting in the menfolks way, especially not with their lady thinking and working outside the home in "careers". That's unwholesome and unamurrican.

But then, that's all of the core republican female constituency that's left at this point.

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"I'm Diaper Dave Vitter and I approve this message."

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Those guys were some predictors, huh?

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What I want to know is, where's the Party party?

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Did they take the time to verify none of these are "stock" women?

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Not even in a sexy DeLorean?

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I was gonna say "GOP Women: the other white meat", but then I see that they have a black friend, too, just like the menfolk.

Also, too, where's Sarah and One-L? I feel cheated.

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Worst. Pinup. Calendar. Ever!

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Ok, Imma gonna just bullet-point the "why I should vote Republocan" points here, then compare/contrast with things I (a vaganial-American) care about:

- The party that believes in opportunity Hmm, that's promising. Like support of Lilly Ledbetter legislation? No. If we are talking about the opportunities by which white men get richer, than sorry mang, not biting.

- The party of empowerment So, that means I am empowered to make my own decisions about reproductive health care? Oh, never mind then.

- the change-is-needed party So, if a family situation necessitated a change in my employment status, you'd be OK with that? Oh, not really supportive of employee rights over business dictates? Well, moving on...

- the highly motivated party How does this benefit me, in that you only are highly motivated to deny me equal pay and safe abortions, exactly?

- the party that encourages everyone to engage in their communities So, you'd like me to attend PTA meetings? Whoopidie do.

- We’re the take-the-initiative party. The party that won’t give up. Kindly do. Give up. We women are not interested.

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And we demand soft lighting and pastels too. Those bright colors make us nervous and uncomfortable. And probably emotional, too.

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My first thought too. Woman in hard hat looks especially stock, not stocky of course, I said stock!

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