"...and at least you could say this for President Carter: he was largely incompetent. "

Wow. Just wow. This framework: <i>at least you could say this about [person X]: he was largely incompetent</i> - this sounds like a line from a Brit sitcom. It is surely destined to become an InterWebzToobzNetz standby.

And I almost think <i>they</i> think that this is some form of compliment.

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Maybe we should judge presidents on how they spent their time after their presidency.

W: Cut his lawn. Clinton: Rescued some people kidnapped by North Korea. Rebuilding Haiti. Stopped getting BJs from sluts. Bush I: ??????? Reagan: Took a nap and died. Carter: Jeezus Christ! Does this guy ever sleep? What hasn't he done?

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me personally, i often think business needs a swift kick in the ass.

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But not Neil Bush.

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Carter was not in the top ten, but as someone cleverer than I observed, Jimmy Carter is the only person who used the Presidency as a stepping stone to greatness.

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A perhaps little known piece of history: Carter had the courage to challenge our oil dependance as counter-productive even back in his day. You'd have thought others in gubmint would have seen the shit on the wall after that whole embargo mess. But so Carter gets it, right. He does everything he can to green up the whitehouse and make it as energy efficient as possible in those days.

So what does saint ronnie do almost immediately when he gets in the WH? Sneeringly rips every fucking bit of it out - and spends mondo muneez doing it - and increasing the WH energy suck to boot.

Fuck saint ronnie and all his ilk.

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Ah yes, the Republican belief in the myth of the deserving rich. They reject the obvious truth that it's possible, at the same time, for some people to have earned their wealth, and at the same time for others to have come by wealth without making any valuable contribution to society at all (e.g. through inheritance, luck, or out-and-out villainy)

From their false premise that everyone who's rich deserves to be rich, they apply the false logic that this means everyone who deserves to be rich is rich, and thence reach the false conclusion that everyone* who's poor deserves to be poor. None of these things is true, of course, but belief in them goes a very long way towards explaining Republican policy.

* Everyone except themselves, of course, they may not be rich <em>yet</em> but they deserve to be because FREEDUMB! so they will be because AMURKA!

[how tiresome it is to have to delve into the Cyrillic alphabet to be able to say 'outrіght']

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It does sound very much like the sort of thing Sir Humphrey might say on <em>Yes Minister</em>.

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Hey wingnutz, two words for you. RICHARD NIXON. And don't you fuckers forget it!

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But don't you see how swingeing across-the-board (except for military, of course, military is off the board) cuts will avoid austerity?

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Mitch McConnell makes me miss Billy Carter.

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Capitalism has only been robust when bolstered by government action to meet the needs the unfettered profit motive has no interest in addressing, and to protect the people the unfettered profit motive would happily leave for dead.

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I think the most anti-business president was probably Teddy Roosevelt, and that was a good thing.

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