Because a junior Representative from Georgia is powerful enough to have someone bring her coffee. Maybe.

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Nut jobs, rascists, haters have no place in either Party.well Jeb! if those nut jobs, racists and haters didn't have a place in your party, you would have been the nominee

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Is it just me, but do a lot of these right-wing women look alike? Ann Coulter, Kellyanne Conway, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kelly Loeffler, Kayleigh what's-her-face?

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IIRC, Stone was rather infamous for soliciting threeways.

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“Hi Neighbor! I’m just standing here on my porch, clutching an assault rifle- want some lemonade?”The fact that this is how people campaign and win in podunk districts pretty much means we’re fucked as a nation.

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Why in the world would the President not kick Q’anon supporters’ butts?

oh, fuck you, Jeb!. if you were Republican preznit, you would do the same thing because these Qmorons are your fucking base.

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I am so disappointed that the "Dentist named Sheldon" wasn't linked to a clip from The In-Laws.



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Apparently, it's too difficult for me to find. I've found a few stories about ThomsonReuters, but not anything talking about acquisitions or investments in. It's a publicly traded company, on the NYSE and the Toronto exchange, so if they were acquired or received major investments from any source, one would think it would be out there.

I can't help but think you're confusing Reuters with RT.

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I love it when people who can’t do basic research call me ignorant.

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"If Democrats take the Senate, blow up the filibuster, and pack the Supreme Court..." oh, please, please, make it so! Also, pass the bill making DC a state.

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Oh God, I just had the image of it getting the MST3K treatment and... I'll be in my bunk.

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Wait a sec - I asked to refute my original objection, and you did nothing. I made a good faith attempt at finding anything that you alluded to. and was unable to. Part of that is that I do not have access to a lit of firewall hidden sites.

Don;t you start this troll shit about "Do your own research" and never providing any of your own.

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I have so stolen that one! Seriously, you almost owe me a new keyboard...

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Look past the flowery language and truly realize what this communist/dementia nightmare will do to our country.

We could end up like... Sweden!

*dogs howl**children wail**sky darkens*

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Yeah. I too want citations for "Russians now own Reuters".

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And apparenly Andy Warhol (or at least his hair) is just to the right.

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