meh, whatever. I actually am in favor of defunding DHS. Talk about government waste!

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Cut to digital clock from "24" ticking, and then to John Boehner sitting alone, playing with stuffed monkey toy.

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So the slightly less delusional wing of the Republican party is suddenly going public in attacking the totally delusional wing, while fresh off of embracing the totally delusional wing last week at CPAC. Popcorn anyone?

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It would work like farm subsidies. We would pay them not to "repeal" Obamacare.

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Thanks OBAMA!

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I'd rather have a smaller, cohesive, democratic minority, than a bloated blue dog heavy majority! Go Team!

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The monkey is the only thing in Washington left that like Boehner.

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Government dysfunction is not a result of the strategy, it is the strategy. Further, it is a voter suppression tactic (why vote when they can't get anything done anyway), and frankly, it is treason.

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And to think, there are still people in Washington willing to stand up and say, "I'm a conservative Republican and proud of it."

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Police detective to Boehner: "Show us on the monkey where the Republicans hurt you."

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Did....did this actually happen? The photo I mean.

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I suspect that the majority of the actual "Law Enforcement" types in the agency actually vote GOP. And that this go-around, in their minds, is all some plot by Obama.

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Is Boehner's tie from the "Rainbow Coalition?"

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Cute pic of Boehner, but who's that holding him on his lap?

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Reagan would have fired Congress for walking off the job.

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Well this gives the TSA agents that will be forced to work without pay starting Friday night a few more days to plan what they will do to republican congresscritters trying to fly away after their funding goes away.

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