Of course, no Republican has ever abused the Senate's conspicuous absence of a germaneness requirement for debate (outside of post-cloture periods). No, they'd <a href="http:\/\/farmfutures.com\/blogs.aspx\/non-germane-amendments-hold-farm-bill-hostage-3341" target="_blank">never do that</a>.

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Yes, I'm surprised they have yet to rename their state capitol "Red Stick".

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DE: Joe Biden. Also too.

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On the downside, a distressing tendency (shared by Louisiana) to throw said bluesmen in jail.

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today we are all fox toasted marshmallows.

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from bullies to victims in the blink of an eye- makes your head spin...

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There is an impossibility in your suggestion. Identifying it is left as an exercise for the reader.

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You mean nonincorporated Amercians, right?

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With all of the wait staff thoroughly patted down for cameraphones.

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i hope ann romney does not approve.

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The Republican Senators are so upset that they can't get anything important done.

This, of course, is Obama's fault.

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As the Romney campaign circles the drain, I'd expect lots more whiny calls to news outlets followed by the formation of circular firing squads. After the 2008 election, the Republicans had an effort (hugely mocked by our Wonkette) to find out what they should do (I cannot find the link, darn). As I recall, one suggestion was "Needz moar ghey"

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also, it's not a real contest until someone gives little lord ryan a wedgie.

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The surrender monkeys did own it for a time, but they were overcome with the spirit of Bain, so they sold it off.

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And even if we grabbed onto something so we didn't fly off, we'd still suffocate and/or explode from the inside out, on account of the atmosphere having drifted away into space.

Freezing probably wouldn't immediately be a problem, as the sudden release of of the containing pressure of the literal weight of the world would probably cause the planet to explode in a supereruption, which might or might not be complete by the time the superheated remnants of what used to be the sun before it too exploded washed over us. Then after that, it would get <em>very</em> cold.

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Someone really ought to point out to the Republidiots that the Hatch Act only covers <em>executive branch</em> employees (and not all of those), of which Harry Reid is not one.

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