and thanks to a complicit MSM, it'll work

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Or maybe the voters who aren't already hopeless GOPtards will realize that no, they don't want Republicans in charge. Of anything.

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Yeah. Obama is taking care of that, so the Congress can focus on <i>important</i> stuff.

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The Ultrasound Wand Strikes Back? Worst. Sequel. <strike>Ever</strike> So Far.

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After they pass a bill to repeal Obamacare they will have blown their whole legislative wad. I suppose they can then go back to golfing or pandering to the rich.

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That will require some alcohol I believe.

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They're acting like somebody drew a cartoon. Of a vagina (icky, icky vagina). On the Constitution.

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20th week: Precious human life. 60th week: Taker sucking on some teat, government or otherwise.

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Hey, now, it's not a War on Women! It's a War on Vaginas...which all women just happen to have.

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This assumes the average American voter would read something before voting, which is a bit of a stretch goal these days, unfortunately.

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I question the viability of this Congress outside their womb.

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When it stops benefiting them financially (read: not likely to happen anytime soon, possibly never).

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Howzabout a "Pain Capable <b>Born</b> Child Protection Act"? The end of spanking as we know it. Also shooting 12 year olds.

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Snapping turtle pussy LIBEL!!

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Mandatory chastity belts would solve a lot of this uncertainty. But who should hold the key: Congress or your Boss?

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