Everybody knows the word "brazen" is always followed by "hussy" - unless it was a "brazen daylight robbery."

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But Secret Service agents paying tens of thousands of dollars a month to rent Trump Tower offices and tiny apartments so they can poop and to run around in golf carts isn't a giant waste of taxpayer money?

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Why use France when everyone knows Biden is opening the borders to Ebola-spreading caravans of ISIS-terrorists from Honduras to take over American and turn white people in gay, metro-sexual, socialist unicorns? Or something like that.

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Ask her how much she thinks 5 years of Benghazi hearings cost. Then let her know that the GOP knew BEFORE they started, that they would find nothing. Bonus points: Republicans had cut funding for the embassy six months before it was attacked.

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Every time I see Lindsay Graham's face, something squishy happens to my insides. It's like a genuine physical reaction - like stepping on a dead jellyfish, but in your own small intestine. I guess you'd call it a visceral reaction, if you were the kind of person who says things like 'visceral reaction'.

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She's smug, and maskless. No small thing, the present being what it is and not what we wish it to be.

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It's the Democratic party, dickweed. If you're talking to the grown-ups, try to have your facts straight. Or if this helps you organize your "thinking," put little rubber ducks, (5 or 6, maybe?), in a row, Nick Dyer. If that really is your name.

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No doubt about it!

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The "planning" part is where that idea was initially jettisoned, of course.

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"Just Asking Questions", or in other words, JAQing off.

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Don't pee on my neck and tell me its rain you deluded qanon kook senator

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Talk about yer rogue's gallery. And not the dashing, charming type of rogue- just your garden variety scumbago.

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You can't argue with these idiots either, not only do they believe impossible stuff, when you confront them with real facts they give you the same answers they must have gotten from their beloved networks "we'll see" and "fake news"

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I guess the only answer to that is, It's Okay If You're A Republican.

I think her real issue is, she KNOWS what Trump did, it makes her uncomfortable, and she doesn't want to be reminded of it.

I doubt that this has anything to do with taxpayer money at all.

Which reminds me of a completely different interchange with a DIFFERENT Republican neighbor, a couple of years ago. This was when the first impeachment case was heating up. This other neighbor was screaming about how "disloyal" Lt. Col. Vindman was for speaking up about Trump's horrible behavior. She said he should be court-martialed.

Coincidentally, a military analyst on CNN, Mark Hertling, said Lt. Col. Vindman's behavior was proper.

So I told her this. Her rebuttal? Mark Hertling is RETIRED, for heaven's sake, and CNN has low ratings!!

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