You know ...I would love, and I really mean this, to hear your suggestions about what can be done about that. That .... systemic gangrenous thing.

If you know what I mean (and I have a feeling you do).

There are oppressed people who abuse the people whom they perceive to be, or whom they perceive "should" be, on a societal rung "below" them as a way of feeling less oppressed by the others "above" them. And not all the abuse is physical. Some of it is verbal, emotional, psychological ... and hence invisible, and therefore plausibly deniable by its perpetrators ... even as its *effects* on its victims are so evident as to be embarrassing to anybody still capable of feeling shame (which I'll freely admit is far from 'everyone').

Is there anything happening anywhere, at any level, to truly support the victims as they both individually AND collectively do their best to combat all this and just mind their business and try to be functional members of society ...?

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If he were Skynet we'd all be dead already.

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Devin Nunes demanded an investigation of Hillary on Faux Noise this morning.

I don't know who to look at first. The "good German" "just doing their job producers", the listeners who want to believe in evil so badly it is making them stupid, the Nunes who desperately *hopes* they're that stupid ...


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The obvious answer to that is that the big Dem donors were progressive-centrists both in ideology and overall interests. Then again, a number of the biggest GOP backers opposed Drump as long as possible.

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It's a distraction from the fact the Republican party has no interest in issues or governing.

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And we're the Deep State. Right.

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Guess who else had private e-mail servers?JavankaSteve Bannon(these are confirmed)

Who else, one wonders?

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Unfortunately some see it as aspirational as well, hence this whole unfortunate piece of bullshittery

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interest or ability?

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That's easy. Dems sashayed away in their individual interests and silly distractions and let the Rs take over, starting with school boards.

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Colin Powell.

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Dumb libaruls want solud lines around laws, so why no "WALL?"... Sad. - Twitler, probably

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Best viewed in A COMFY CHAIR!

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It's just a battle cry that means only "WE HATE WOMEN!"

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I'll even go out on a limb and assert that it's a day ending in "day."

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