It just means "Venezuela"

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They hate him for taking credit for it.

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Hi, Loafer, speaking of quickly, will your magic powers work to take down Alexander's icky spam? It's on a lot of threads.

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You may have been thinking of Saxa, who died in 2017. He was well into his 80s, IIRC.

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And 20 minutes from now they’ll be talking about him keeping promises.

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How many “whaddabout DOMA, a-hmmm” comments are we up to now?

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I believe that's 'Spirit of the Lard.'

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Another time they were projecting like IMAX.

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Funny how Bush jr was not a socialist for Medicare Drug Act. Or Nixon for OSHA. Or Raygun for raising taxes to pay for it all.

They keep using that word "socialism." I don't think it means what they think it does.

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It's also deflection from the Mueller report.

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Bumper sticker bullshit works apparently? Of the 12 million or so that will lose their healthcare, approximately 20 million of them are Republicans. Don't ask-its math. This is a direct slap in the puss to Trumply voters and precedes even Wall considerations. I mean, can a wall/barrier/monument to dumb even do yearly exams or pap smears? I don't think so!

What this is, really, at its bare bones, is the ravings of a lifelong failure and grifter that has never suffered the consequences of his loserdom and has in fact profited from them. Tariff man still believes in tariffs even as those being tariffed upon are slowly sinking. Trade war guy is Brain war guy is what I'm saying.Everything this hideous man does is obvious and right in our collective face and yet, the Jim Jones effect is winning the day in Republican politics.

I've heard of winning ugly but winning dumb is a whole new one on me.

My bumper sticker idear;Healthcare or Die!

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I did one. It's relevant this time.

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Any Democratic candidate talking about their ideas for health care are required to answer a barrage of questions requiring detailed answers but cheeto just says "it'll be huge, great healthcare" and that's just A-okay with the MSM both-siders.

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