Oliver Cromwell?

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Ahem. Civics teacher here. A democracy is any country with an elected body making the laws. A republic is a democracy with an elected head of state. Thus, Canada is a democracy but not a republic. The United States is both.

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I take it as given that Harry Reid knows more about politics than you or I do.

I disagree with his clearly-held position that the concept of the filibuster (Senatorial privilege) should remain intact, with occasional threats of the nuclear option to dislodge specific Repubic obstruction.

OTOH, I think it's pretty obvious that he reflects the views of most of the Democratic Senate caucus (Hint: He's Majority Leader). So, if we want to make major changes to the filibuster rules, we have to elect different Senators.

Other than the filibuster/privilege rules, I'm pretty happy with Harry. There's a reason that the teabaggers like to vilify Reid and Pelosi, along with Bamz. The reason is, Reid and Pelosi are damn good at politics.

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Leftist purists, represented by the website Firedoglake.

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I'm <i>so</i> going to steal that.

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Where's that Chinese student Democracy protester when we need him?

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Rep. Chris Van Hollen or a young James Caan?

Meanwhile, another version of the game: TEGWAR - The Exciting Game Without Any Rules.

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Or was it a Snit?

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Nepotism - the other game the whole family can play.

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There were huge economic forces at play, as well. Slavery, of course, was the backbone of the economy of the Southern States. The North had an industrial-manufacturing base open to import taxes to protect itself (unlike the South, that had to import everything except cotton, tobacco and indigo).

There is a powerful argument the War was over slavery - not to free the slaves, but between the two economies, one of which had slavery as its foundation.

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I miss "The Far Side."

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Is Calvin taking a pee on something?

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Can you imagine if the democrats tried to do this? There would be republican gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes (some interns, not their own).

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[Obligatory "you know who <i>else</i> liked rules?" joke.]

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Of course they understand how fundamentally repugnant to the concept of a constitution their authoritarian rule is; they also trust the rest of us not to.

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How much do we miss "Calvin and Hobbes"? How much do we respect Bill Watterson for never selling his creation out to Disney or whoever? And for fighting with newspapers to secure adequate page space for his <a href="http:\/\/images1.fanpop.com\/images\/photos\/1300000\/Calvin-and-Hobbes-calvin-and-hobbes-1395531-1024-768.jpg" target="_blank">art</a>? And for quitting when he exhausted the possibilities?

And for <a href="http:\/\/www.strangehorizons.com\/2006\/20060313\/verbing_weirds_language.gif" target="_blank">this</a>?

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