They are..but greed is comorbid to getting in.You aren't allowed in unless you are greedy

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I have an uncle who used to say crap like that about the disabled too. Then he developed Parkinson's disease and is in a long-term care facility now. I would not wish that on anybody, but it is a fact of life that any of us could be one diagnosis or car accident or bad fall away from becoming disabled too. So I will gladly pay for "other people's problems" because the disabled have the same right to a fulfilling life as everyone else.

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Brown is brown.

(My parents are Hindu.)

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... I think we must expect great things from you, Mr. Potter. … After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things — terrible, yes, but great.

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How did the Russians we manage to elect so many dumb-asses?

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Actually they mean the American Health Care Act. You're paying attention, and still got tripped up.

This goes hand in hand with the newspeak-ification that the administration started on day 2 with "Alternative Facts".

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Sounds like my (late) brother. Blind since birth and supported on the disability support pension and public health system voted conservative/libertarian. He even did a sociology degree on the public purse knowing he would never pay for it. I loved him but my other brother and I were astounded by the hypocrisy.

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please. everyone. CALL YOUR REP THIS WEEK.


tell them the AHCA sucks and FIX OBAMACARE.

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who IS that guy? i hate that fucking guy.

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Doc - about the embedding - if you can't, just copy and paste the URL, and folks can click on that to go to the site.

It's what I do all the time.

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My father is a Libertarian. I'm on SSDI, and he helps me a great deal financially, so I have to bite my tongue...a lot. I'd be in a rooming house or something if he didn't ( generously) pay my rent so that I can have a place of my own, and keep my pets. I'm grateful, but it makes me feel very shitty when he rants about the "takers", since I'm one of them.

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Life only matters until the fetus reaches 24 weeks gestation and is no longer a candidate for abortion. Otherwise they would be funding good prenatal care *cough Planned Parenthood cough*, WIC, public education, school lunch and breakfast programs, etc.

Fuck them all with rusty, tetanus contaminated votes.

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Sledge hammer?

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Did you kidnap Lori? We want Lori back! She has a McLaren!

That would work out to nearly $200,000 a year - in the top 1%. Got pitchforks to run out the spammer?

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