Here's the part I don't get: Firearms are VERY expensive. So are tattoos. How can the guys in those lines afford that stuff? I could be very wrong but they don't look like high earners. Most of them are also against things like Medicaid, SNAP, and WIC ... but I guess not if Mama's figured out a way to get on those programs? Feel free to tell me I'm a judgmental asshole if I'm wrong.

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Republican governor there for some reason that escapes me (they closed all the polling places in Bal-mer?)

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One of the leaders of that fight said allowing out-of-area workers to come to the Dakotas to do the construction work would be like "the second-coming of smallpox blankets."

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Typical Repuke Missouri ASSHOLE!

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"It's going to come down to individual responsibilities."

I guess as a Republican Governor you get to skip that part.

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I think that there feller has a bright future in the Democratic Party.

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Trump can shuffle off this mortal coil like a common parrot for all I care. His name will be reviled in perpetuity. Jared and Ivanka, though, I want them to feel the full force and the American people's wrath through the criminal justice system, both of them treated no differently than your average POC.

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Now that's just crazy talk. To do that, you'd need like this big main government that was over all the other governments. We're talking real life here, not science fiction.

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One satirical blog was complaining about how hard it was to do his job these days. He noted that he could say that Trump proposed dumping a hundred tons of slushies in the Atlantic Ocean to fight ocean warming, and the reader might laugh, but, then, they'd google it to make sure it wasn't true.

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Ivanka's got a list.

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I wish I could do more than just hope you and your dear ones come through this okay. I mean, I'd piously hope everybody comes through this okay, even people I'd think are disgusting, even the bastards most responsible for the mess, so long as they were relentlessly called to account at the polling places and then in the courts once it's over. I have to cross my fingers and hope they are.Meanwhile, my really fervent hopes and best wishes. Slainte.

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Parson finally signed one:


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Why not give it away to those who need it?

What? And encourage people to want Free Stuff? Blasphemy! All must bow to The Invisible Hand of The Free Market! Work or starve! [/snarkasm]


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Kemp is gonna open the beaches in Georgia. Did we learn nothing from the debacle in Florida?

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