the worst one.....true story...a hamster

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I voted for Quinn, who was less charming than a neglected compost heap. I’m right there with you.

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Breaking News!

Channel 4 news St. Louis just reported that the woman who had the affair with Greitens apparently believes her ex betrayed her trust when he recorded their conversation. I’m guessing she must be a Republican too since accountability is for everyone but her.

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Forgiveness from Jesus? The guy's jewish!Regardless, he has been secretive about his political backers and the dark money he has received. He is using an app that wipes out conversations on phones that he and his staff have about running the state, so the Missouri state government doesn't have it's actions at public disposal. Oh and wants to do the same destructive tax breaks in Missouri that Brownback did in Kansas. Both GOP and Dems hate him.You might want to look up a billionaire in southwest Missouri who makes the Koch brothers look like saints for follow up articles.

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It's kind of surprising all the weird shit Jesus is cool with.

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Thanks for the link. His behavior still strikes me as weirdly self-destructive.

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He's a Republican. Of course he does.

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Several billion years, if I recall. I'll have to ask by isotope geochronologist friends. (I love being a professor).

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He took the naked pic to keep her from telling about the affair, but the affair came out anyway. Did he post her pic on the Arizona Senate candidate's revenge porn site? If not, I can't support him.

If he broke that promise. How do I know he won't promise to cut taxes for everyone and then just cut taxes for the rich once he gets elected?

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I upfist this entire conversation.

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so, reptardlican...

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that's what he calls it, yes.

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"To find me waiting for him (like a complete idiot)" It just repeats throughout the song.

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Stupid White Folks of Alabama:

"YEE-HAW! We done gone an' nom'nated ourselves a gen-yoo-wine CHILD MOLESTER to serve as the standard-bearer for the Y'all Qaeda Party! No one's gon' top us fer moral hip-O-crissy!"

Stupid White Folks of Missouri:

"Hold our beers."

h/t Charles Pierce for "Y'all Qaeda", and Zombie Rotten McDonald for a previous version of this post.

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Oh, hell, they'll just say he's still Democrat, just like they say the KKK is a Democrat Party organization

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