<a href="http:\/\/maddowblog.msnbc.com\/_news\/2012\/12\/12\/15865707-jindals-selective-concern-for-the-poor\?lite" target="_blank">Steve Benen</a> is on fire today...

<blockquote>For Jindal, poor and disadvantaged kids should have the same educational opportunities as kids from wealthy families. Fine. There's ample evidence that vouchers don't work, but let's stick to the larger principle. The next question is pretty straightforward: can poor and disadvantaged kids have same access to quality health care as kids from wealthy families? How about the same access to safe and affordable housing? How about nutrition? And transportation? And political influence?</blockquote>

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EDUCATION You keep using that word, Bobby, but it doesn't mean what you think it means.

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Hell, make her governor, and she'd be an improvement.

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The digestive system of a velociraptor ain't pretty, no matter what you put into it.

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Nessie lessons for all!

Yeah, I knew <em>exactly</em> what he meant by "school choice": "We choose to leave poorz and particularly black kids behind"

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Kilts don't have zips. You, sir, are no true Scotsman.

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When they went after southern democrats, we laughed, because we were not southern democrats.

When they went after state legislatures, we laughed, because we were not state legislatures.

Now they are going after the schoolhouse, and again, we laugh, because we... are not schoolhouses?

OK, it's a horrid mangling of a phrase, but you get my point, and it isn't funny...

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Bobby Jindal, exorcising critical thinking from Louisiana schools since 2008.

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Our kids! That's a Messican job.

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<blockquote>“I believe we’ve got an economic and a moral imperative to provide school choice and a quality education to every child, every student in America. In that case, many lives will be transformed, many futures will be realized, and the results for all our country will be real and lasting.”</blockquote>

Well all of this is probably true, because nowhere does he say his proposal would actually <em>improve</em> anything. Many lives <em>would</em> be transformed for the worse, many <em>sucky</em> futures would be realized and the results for all our country would be long lasting, real malaise.

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Also, enrich the owners of private schools. Say, do you suspect they give more heavily to the GOP?

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Does not love the knawlidge that persuades people to vote Democratic, however.

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His parents are. He was born in USA. OR WAS HE?!?! Let's review the GO-Pee citizen test:

skin = not white

That proves he ain't 'Merican enough to be POTUS. Stop this before it starts Orly.

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