"Notice how he doesn’t say that men are the problem? Apparently, the problem with 26,000 women (and some men) facing sexual assault is just too many damn women."

Or else he's saying that the US military has gotten so goddamn fucked up dysfunctional for women recruits that he can't in good conscience recommend that women enlist right at the moment* unless and until the assholes responsible for allowing the situation to fester while they covered up the rot get shit-canned and the whole damn barnyard gets cleaned up.

*knowing that they will anyway, because what he's saying is not to disparage the women but to stick a fork in the eye of the goddamn military establishment. McCain has never been anything but supportive of enlisted men and women but has been a lifelong critic of old-boy military commanders and Pentagon ass-coverers who reflexively shift blame onto soldiers for their own colossal fuck-ups. That's just a fact about the man himself and it has nothing to do with his party affiliation.

I am not any particular fan of the Senator but I do recognize that he is a multidimensional person with a personal history and long career instead of simply a cartoon character, and that you have to look at things he says and positions he takes in the appropriate context. Plus, ageism just rustles my jimmies, even when it is coming from my friends.

None of the above is intended in any way to let Sen. McCain or his stoopid party off the hook for their stoopid positions.

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Keyword: "Inhofe".

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yeah our sec of state.

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sometimes you just need to listen to tracy chapman.

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If soldiers rape, they should be court-martialed, dismissed and imprisoned. And make the rest of the garrison watch as the soldier is marched out to the parade ground like in "Branded", publicly stripped of their rank, insignia and decorations, and then hauled away by the biggest MP/SPs you can find. High time we throw some humiliation on these SOBs before they spend time in Leavenworth making little rocks out of big rocks.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=92IkddsjtAA" target="_blank">Clue</a> quote. Wikipedia claims that speech was improvised.

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Republicans never listen when the Rape Rooster says he has a headache.

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WALNUTS! is trying to say the right thing, prolly. It's just that he can't get past the idea of women as property, even though a beer heiress is holding his deed. So he's envisioning his lovely daughter being gang-raped by <strike>over-privileged lawless Academy cadets</strike> young warriors like himself, and it comes out that way.

One step forward! Two steps back!

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I have already used all of my good rape snarkisms. Fuckin' GOP, can't you space out your rape related bullshit so a pixel can come up with new material?

Because somehow, I think that: "Statistically speaking, 50% of US servicemen enjoy military rape" just isn't gonna fly with this crowd.

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We could kick all the women out of the GOP.

I mean, we're halfway there already...

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Cool Tattoos, Em.

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Pretty much all they do. Or so it seems to me.

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this is what happens when you allow Rush Limbaugh <strike>on Armed Services Radio</strike>. [see also: <strike>all other radios</strike> Bloviated Buffoon.]


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This is disturbingly similar to the traditional advice given to battered women: Don't piss off the man, ok? He doesn't mean to hurt you but he's under a lot of stress so you know, when you see he's in a bad mood don't talk to him, just cook.

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stupid womyns will continue being stupid, just like stupid men will continue being stupid. And all of them will continue being Republican. Congratulations GOP for proving that both evolution and devolution exist

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The kicker is that in the college rape cases I know of, the guy might argue that the girl gave consent and then had second thoughts, but the hormone defense would never fly. Maybe at Liberty?

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