The concept of impeaching an official after he left office is not only something the founders contemplated, but something the first generation did once, aside from a couple subsequent occasions. But aside from the cases in the US, it should also be pointed out that in Britain an impeachment of a former official was happening *while the constitutional convention was adopting the language of impeachment* and this was a trial that received wide press coverage, since it was of the governor of India, Warren Hastings, and the issue (the extent to which a colonial governor should respect the interests of the governed) was one of acute interest in America. Since Hastings had left office a year and a half earlier, the stakes were not removal from office but deprivation of his perqs and eligibility for future office: he was acquitted, and kept his pension, but it was 20 years before he was given an honorary post as a sign that all was forgiven.

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I guess one factor here is their desire to avoid a decision of what removing him during his first impeachment might have avoided.

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We are talking about the men that wanted to "impeach Hillary" before she even won the presidency (because they were sure she would win, too).

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Which, of course, is exactly what they want...for themselves. Any Democratic candidates will be run through the wringer.

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That kind of thing gives them little woodys.

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A combination of Arugala and dijon gates + Latte salute.

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Yes, the universe has a puckish sense of humor.

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He extended it another 6 months for his adult children, even Tiffany, there must be a grift there, somewhere.

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Oh yes, the guy who Wonkette described accurately as "a face, like a thumb with a beard." Now I can't un-see that.

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Ah no, if it is one of them, they can do it the whole time they are president, as they have proven.

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One of the early cult movies: The King of Hearts.

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...Then fifteen.

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I guess she only likes early whorehouse decor.

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"President-ing while Black".

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Yes, Jordan, "The Wolf of Wall Street" was commenting on it on CNN, His advice? "Don't make it so obvious."

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didnt whatshername say Trump had learned his lesson from the first impeachment? Susan Fucking Gollums?

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