They only hate it because the voters don't always vote the right way. They'd have tried to block Jesus Christ from voting on Tuesday.

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Remember it was a lame duck Congress that passed Obamacare. Carry on the tradition!

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Will it be a legitimate impeachment, or doesn't the Boehner have ways of shutting that down?

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<i>or they don't do so, </i>

and get primaried like Cantor. Watching these asshats twist themselves into knots trying to justify not impeaching O is gonna be the best political theatre ever. I predict the debates will be nothing but the candidates yelling 'I double dog dared you to inpeach and you didn't....did so....triple dog dare you....oh yea! you and who's mother?' Back after this quick message from Orville Redenbacher!

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Oh man, let OHJB emergency appoint Bams Attorney General! hehehehehe! :-)

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can OHJB go full metal Gerald Ford and give him pardon? Or even better, 'Let me just pull this full form birth certificate out of my pocket! Meet your new Attorney General, Barry Sotero!" Since when did the constutushun stop the Kenyan Muslin Overlord from destroying 'Merca?

Obviously there is no way any of it is feasible and why Clenisgate had nothing to do with moral outrage or vital national interest. It was, however, a very effective tool to keep The Winter Queen from appointing her hubs AG or sitting him on SCOTUS should she ever take the WH Throne.

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The way he dresses, he's practically *begging* for it. Did you <i>see</i> that tan suit jacket?

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Did He have proper ID?

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Senate Republicans are on top of this. After a couple more elections they should have the 60 votes needed to convict him. Watch out, Obama -- in 2019, you're going <i>down!</i>

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Truer than they realize. It sure hurt the last party that tried to impeach a President for BS reasons. Just ask the Republicans.

Oh, wait....

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The trouble with that is the fact that there would not be any crime that OHPJB would need to pardon him for, other than being blah and a Demoncrat.

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The contract broke down over details of the fee. The barracudas refused to accept payment in orange roughy.

<i>[rimshot sting]</i>

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Refusal to enforce voter suppression? INPEACH!

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"Wow, if I was any happier, I might even be able to move my bowels!"

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Articles of <i>impeachment</i> (equivalent to an indictment) are filed by the House and only require a simple majority. Actual removal from office is accomplished via <i>conviction</i> (requiring an affirmation by 2/3 of the members) by the Senate. If current trends continue, Senate Republicans may very well have those votes after a couple more elections. So Bamz will be in real danger of being impeached <i>and</i> removed from office in... 2019.

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Bamz didn't award himself the Peace Prize, the Nobel Committee did that. In his acceptance speech he plainly stated that a US President may need to go to war under certain circumstances and he refused to renounce it as an option for himself. He said this right to the Nobel Committee. They awarded him the prize anyway.

He never sought the honor and he made it clear to them that he was not the fervid peacenik that they apparently took him to be, although he did have an agenda calling for more dialogue and international cooperation as steps toward a reduction of international tensions. This sounded to the committee like kumbaya compared to the eight years of jingoistic derp that they had been getting from the Palpatine/Vader administration.

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