"So there’s a group of people that even with unlimited access to health care are only going to use the emergency room when their arm is chopped off or when their pneumonia is so bad they get brought [into] the ER.”

Hey, genius, THAT'S THE WHOLE FUCKING IDEA. People should have access to health care in part so that emergency rooms can deal with, you know, emergencies, instead of having to cater to people who can't get in to see a doctor because they have no insurance.

I was rereading Morison's history of the U.S., specifically the chapter on the Eisenhower administration, in part because I wanted to be reminded of what it was like when (some) Republicans were (supposedly) sane. It alludes to how Ike brought into his cabinet a bunch of rich guys who wanted to destroy the agencies they headed (sound familiar?). The Kansas farmers were furious at Ike's agriculture secretary because he kept trying to cut farm subsidies. Incidentally, Kansas (where Ike was from) voted overwhelmingly for him. And now their heirs are voting for people like Sam Brownback and this goofball.

There are some people who are just too stupid to survive, and it ain't poor people without insurance.

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(Dis)Hon. Rep. Marshall,

I realize this may come as a shock to you, but the Founding Fathers enshrined in the Constitution and in law, by way of our first treaty, that the US is NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION, so stick your head in a toilet and flush.

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I have Medicaid and United Health now, after many many years with NO health insurance. I paid out of pocket years ago when I had a horrible accident. I've taken great care of myself NO MATTER HOW BROKE I AM. Now that I have insurance, I've gotten a number of medical tests (breast ultrasound, full labs, I have a colonoscopy scheduled later this month), and I am in perfect, vibrant health. Not everyone who's broke treats her (or his) body like shit. And yes, I buy Greenmarket vegetables and organic food with SNAP. Dr. Roger Marshall, I'd tell you to kiss my ass, but I don't want to catch whatever it is you're carrying.

Btw, when I had the horrible accident I mentioned above, I did NOT go to an ER; I went home. I did self-care (including buying a knee brace) until the orthopedic surgeon was able to see me. His physician's assistant gave me a list of places I could get an MRI, and I called each one to find the least expensive, because again, I was paying out of pocket. He did the same when it was time to find a physical therapist. Eventually, I recovered $5,000 of my medical expenses when my attorney settled the claim (I got a little money, too). Had I needed surgery, I would have been up shit creek without a paddle.


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In a word, subsidies.

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With respect, I don't think that's the point - this guy is another right-wing Hypochristian who happily cherry-picks and distorts what's written in the Bible for his own ends, and then attempts to ram his completely twisted version of Christianity down others' throats.

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No, he's a Christian Satanist. He does Black Masses sacrificing *us*.

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Because he got the blame for both late 70s inflation and the Iranian Revolution, neither of which was his fault. Plus the Nixonites were desperate to deflect attention from their fallen hero wandering the beach at Yorba Linda.

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Exactly the same principle with Islam. You read up what Muhammad actually said, it's very clear on fight only in self-defence, NO civilian casualties, be generous to defeated enemies. ISIS does to that what Westboro Baptist does to the words of Jesus.

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If there WERE any lines against abortion - which there aren't, even.

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"O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!” - the main man himself said it even more strikingly:

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean."

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Well...we know that...shame they don't :(

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Very true. Contrary to what the so-called Christian forced-birthers would have you believe, the Bible contains numerous references to life beginning at first breath (i.e. birth) and NONE stating or implying that it begins at conception, plus Exodus 21:22 makes it crystal clear that a married woman's fetus is NOT regarded as separate life in its own right, but the PROPERTY of her husband!

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Yet another doctor who has zero understanding (or acknowledgment) of how health and poverty are connected. Can I come over to your house and bash in your walls with my head? I have used up all my own walls.

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You can lead a horse to CE units, but you can't make him choose the ones that deal with how health equity works.

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