A big part of why everyone suddenly started caring less about COVID was when studies released showed that the majority of people who were dying were POC, especially Black and Latinx.

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I'm a fan of calling men "testerical" rather than hysterical. >.>

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If they were claiming the cards were fake to keep Black people out, that's a legit concern and reason to protest. However, what this comes down to is one or more of the party could not meet the requirements for entry and so they all decided to protest. I don't care if "they forget their card" - nowhere else accepts that as a legit excuse. No ticket, no ride; no passport, no flight; no credit card, no shopping or eating or car rental. This is not a hard concept and it's not the institution's fault you don't have your docs. This really reeks of "heeeyyy, come on trust me I'm vaxxed and let me in" and when staff said no, suddenly there's accusation of racism being tossed around.

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So where's the proof? We have videos of racist Karens all over the place and you're telling me someone getting kicked out of Carmines in a racist fashion wasn't being filmed by a patron? Where's the second hand accounts supporting this if it got loud enough to turn physical? It's a busy restaurant but nobody heard or saw anything to back up the claim?

Once again, we're being asked to take these patrons at the word when they've already failed to bring receipts and attacked a person. But of course let's protest a business and smear the staff without proof while gladly accepting the patron's lack of proof of vaccination as not important. BLM does good work but this isn't it; they're going to have some serious egg on their faces if this turns out to be some bitter patrons tryin to lash out at staff that held their anti-vaxx butts accountable.

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"Understandable" has a shelf life and it's run out. It's been a year and a half - how long are we supposed to let a plague run wild because of "understandable" hesitancy? At what point does it just become another excuse to not do the right thing by ignoring reality of what COVID is doing to minority health &mortality rates and perpetrating an injustice on their own community?

The virus frankly doesn't care about problematic histories and personal distrust. It sickens and kills you regardless so it's no longer understandable that we are still dealing with a preventable plague due to a group having issues. Their issues are now giving all of us issues- we're all in nonconsensual viral trials where COVID is mutating due to their hesitancy. It stopped being understandable months ago and we need to stop bringing this up to excuse the behavior.

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Who's telling them not to get vaxxed? Oh wait, the GOP. Liberals are out there begging and pleading for them to accept free healthcare to save their lives but are getting lumped in with the nutcases since it's "distrust the system".

We all have a responsibility to society and our communities. Being unvaxxed makes you a threat to these same folks. BLM needs to be pushing vaccines as they save Black lives in a time when there is a disproportionate number of Black deaths from this disease. Harping on "oh this terrible thing happened to us in the past, don't take the vaccine now" or accepting it as an excuse is LITERALLY killing Black folks. The virus doesn't give a damn about perspective or narrative or being woke - it's can it get a foothold in a person's immune system or not. White, Black, green - it doesn't matter since the reasonable perspective from reality is you are vulnerable due to being unvaxxed or you're not.

What kind of allies or fellow citizens would let their friends die a preventable death because someone's more worried about perspective then keeping them out of the ICU? If you're being selfish and risking your community by citing society's previous bad behavior, it still doesn't excuse yours. Two wrongs don't make a right and dead is still dead no matter how woke you want to pretend the denial is. Not getting the vaccine is bringing death to their community the same way unscrupulous people have inflicted in it years past.

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I guess I'm not getting what your point seems to be. Do you think it's really plausible that Carmine's would "racially profile" someone? Because I'm not sure where "gentrification" even enters into this debate. This stretch of Broadway is mixed, both economically and racially, and has been for a very long time. Carmine's clientele has been mixed, both economically and racially, for a long time. Carmine's staff has been mixed racially for a long time. Because I see one of two possibilities explaining what happened. First, a bunch of customers didn't have the right ID for each person to be allowed in the inside seating area, so they got pissy with the young and inexperienced hostess, became abusive, decided they'd rather leave as a group, and once outside they came up behind the hostess, swarmed her, and started a shoving match in which she was outnumbered and ended up hospitalized. That's one story line. The other story line ... is what? And gentrification of some lower stretches of Broadway enters into the picture how?

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They bust unions.

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In part it's by providing pay, benefits and working conditions sufficient that workers don't need to unionize. I'm pro-union, grew up in a union household, but have no problem working for Amazon because I see what it's like on the inside. The Fulfillment Centers are where unionization efforts always focus (85% of the company is techies, and we tend not to unionize). I've done warehouse work in the past, it sucks, but the FCs suck less than any of the warehouses I've worked in and the pay is better than any non-Teamsters site you'll find and the benefits tend to be better.

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Okay, bourgewannabe, put your money where your mouth is and start a union. Then you'll see how tolerant and benevolent Amazon really is. Kinda like Henry Ford.

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Why would we need to unionize? Like I said, they're paying decently, with good benefits and vacation, and pay attention to safety. When my dad helped unionize the Traverse City Iron Works people were regularly losing eyes, fingers, and hands, and one guy had died in a bath of molten iron, because the company wouldn't pay for safety equipment. They had a reason to unionize. We don't.

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Fucking pathological, even. :/

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Always be afraid of Billy goats, and never turn your back (or bend over) near them.

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Evan calls that his puberty-yelp.

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Why do people believe this obvious horseshit conman?

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I'd love to see someone stage that!

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