And Republicans say Liberals have no sense of humor!

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Does he understand that a woman who is not pregnant more than likely did so by her body discarding an unfertilized egg that now will never become a baby? Following this to its (some might say) logical conclusion, any woman who has a period is committing some kind of crime. Let's carry this a little further and discuss women who develop uterine cancer and have full hysterectomies. More often than not, the fallopian tubes are removed at the same time. HEY STEVE DAINES! THEY'RE KILLING HUNDREDS OF PREBORN HUMANS!!!!!

Some days I don't understand how so many men survive to adulthood.

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Upper body strength. We're less likely to get killed. Cold comfort, I know.

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Well, of course! We can't have mongrels running around! No pedigrees on those!

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I have to agree with him. And turnabout is fair play.

If it is a crime for humans to destroy the eggs of sea turtles, it should also be a crime for sea turtles to destroy the eggs of humans.

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Post hatching about 90% of baby turtles die. Republicans are consistent in their caring here too.

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Well, I always knew Daines campaigned on his real or affected love for the pussy-grabber, but I thought that was because he is a clever grifter.It's all changed now that I see that he is an abject moron.

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This is 2022. There aren't enough question marks for any of this.

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The irony is that the GOP don't care about Eagles, Turtles or born babies. Even if 4 out of 6 are white males.

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At least kitties and puppies are usually cared for by the one that birthed them, rather than just burying them in the sand and heading back to the sea. But yes, they do love their false equivalencies, unless someone turns it back on them - then it's no good.

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The real crazy part sea turtles once they lay their eggs leave and the babies turtles are on their own. Just like Republicans after a woman is forced to give birth their in own.

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Vets make good income by euthanizing pets on their opinion of quality life of the pet with concurrence of the owner. I don't think he's thought that through.

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My most vivid memory from that obscenity is the granddaughter who could not get into the facility to be with her grandfather when he died - because of the precautions taken and the mob (which included more than one child molester).

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Also, he should be forced to PAY for EVERYTHING. Lost wages, medical care, ALL the diapers, food, babby shoes etc for, oh, about 20-25 years...

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JFC.All eggs are equal !!

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Did you know that female sea turtles can store sperm from multiple males to use at their discretion? Yup. They decide when they need to add diversity and evaluate resources, then choose if they will have monogamous pairings or multiple mates. Clutch laying happens later, and then they bail, leaving the gestational process to complete in the sand. The babies are abandoned before birth, with no guarantees of survival, no protection other than the dumpster their mom deposited them in, and predators just hanging out waiting to see what light snacks are gonna come popping out to make the mad dash for the water.

In short, female sea turtles, at birth, have more control over their reproductive choices than women, and that’s before our endangered species protections are even involved. It’s not subtle that Dianes chose endangered species as his comparison. He thinks it’s a group decision when a species needs to increase numbers for survival, and since men have no biological requirement to participate in gestating their potential offspring, there’s no need to worry that when he says “group” he means “men”. The host bodies are technically part of the group, but can sacrifice their autonomy on behalf of the species. Boy, it’s a good thing there are benevolent men like Daines around to keep our species on track! Without his oversight we might just go extinct…

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