Are Chinese students still allowed to experiment with drugs and their sexuality?

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It's telling that this year, after the China tariffs failed and the coronavirus pandemic started its North American tour, Republicans have rediscovered that the government of China is Communist. Trump, Pompeo, Messner, et al, don't talk about "China" anymore, it's "the Chinese Communist Party."

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Well, Freedom, and maps of The Iraq. They do need maps.

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The CCP never nominated Trump.

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Absolutely. All college students should be able to take a semester in the 70's.

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Corky is Quirky 2020!

A republican lawyer aspiring candidate.Jumpin' Jeebus, if the guy sells a few used cars he gets the Golden Hat Trick award.

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So, these Republican dipshits are completely clueless that they're proposing policies that would be perfectly acceptable in China and Russia to control the populace?

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I don't get the Republican habit of running under a nickname. I don't want to go to a kegger with "Corky". I was a smart, serious candidate who's thoroughly studied the issues and proposed solutions that won't make everything worse, which is everything we can't expect from "Corky".

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I started dating this girl my freshman year and stayed with her all through graduation. Never got the chance to perfect my pickup techniques out in the bars, but we sure did fuck a lot.

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Donnie's just copying his mentor. We might not have split the atom first if not for the input of all those Jewish physicists who got the hell out of Europe in the late 30's.

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The real problem is that a generation has been raised to view scientists and experts on complex subjects with suspicion, that they'll use their superior knowledge on a subject to somehow screw over the little guy for the scientist's benefit. This shit started with the tobacco wars in the 70's. Cigarettes were harmless, and all these medical people put together this big conspiracy to convince people otherwise and profit, somehow, over tricking these people into not buying cigarettes, and on and on.

The Big Bang Theory debuted September 24, 2007, and, for an entire generation, is was the first contemporary presentation on TV of scientists in a positive light who cared deeply about their subjects.

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How about we keep the smart furrin students and send "Corky" over to China in their place?

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Republicans are only for power and money. Every position they take is to gain the loyalty of a group of voters whose support they need to maintain their control of power and money.

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Corky sounds like a yapping dog.Throw him some kibble and shut him up ffs.

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A white guy tried this in Ontario (Canada) last month after being refused entry to a grocery store for not wearing a mask. He was shot dead by the police.

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