A good arm is all that is required. It doesn't need to be hooked up to any sort of brain.

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Is there an alternate definition of "thinking" I am not aware of?

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Thanks a lot. I don't know how many bottles of wine it's going to take to get THAT image out of my head.

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Bomb throwers and insurgents and haters of single women? It just keeps getting harder to tell the GOP from ISIS.

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A woman giving birth

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Ask Mitt Romney what he thinks will happen when you insult a rather large group of voters.

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And it's not even goood shit.

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I don't have the facts to back this up.

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<i>"Single mothers particularly are automatically Democratic because of the benefits. They need benefits to survive..."</i>

Instead of thinking about how this phenomenon costs him votes, he ought to think long and hard about why the American economy is so hostile to these women and their children. He may conclude we should do more to protect the <i>born</i>.

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It's like he's intentionally trying to kill the shiftless slut vote. It must be part of the new Party of Ideas strategy.

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Jeff Bell is not going to get lucky ever again.

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I suppose Christie is able to succeed in New Jersey because he embodies government teats.

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This tolling of the Bell will not bode well for the GOP, methinks.

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I know I've said this before but where the hell does the GOP find these duds?

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Democrats are government teat-suckers. Republicans vote on principles, such as voting being a privilege and food stamps being bad and Sincere Beliefs trumping facts and vaginal ultrasound wands.

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Well sure, if you're going to listen to what "voters" or "prospective consituents" want. Republicans don't do that. They listen to what Sheldon Adelson and Foster Friess want.

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