Fuck Joe Manchin and every one of those boot licking faux Dems, that is all

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...see that everyone! Republicans aren't racist

<strong>OIL:</strong> the one thing that is "black" that the Republican Party actually likes

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Why can't president Buchanan just get this done, like how she lowered gas below 2 dollars?

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On Capitol Hill, the love is spilling over like all that Albertan crude, sweet stickiness everywhere it touches.

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Congress is definitely crude. Any word on when drilling rights to the GOP caucus will be auctioned off?

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Excuse my cynicism, but the Keystone XL would drastically cut into Warren Buffett's BNSF rail shipping revenues and Democratic contributions. In the lesser of two evils competition, I favor the guy who plans to give away his wealth unless the Kochs plan on giving it all to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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I was thinking rusty pitchfork, myself...

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If the pipeline is built it will become a target for militant environmentalists and jihadis. I suggest that it should be guarded by the Keystone Kops.

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The Creepublicans aren't getting any s-m-r-ter, are they? Just keep fuckin' that chicken, Rs.

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We'll see who <i>doesn't</i> get invited to the soooper cool party they've got planned for when it passes. There's gonna be a DJ and a chocolate fountain and everything. And ponies. And an open bar. Oh, don't tell Annoying Orange about that last part.

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If gas gets any cheaper, I'm going to have to stop buying it! Or start buying cigarettes.

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But almost impossible to refine.

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What the frack doesnt bode well for a relationship???Like the one they have had for the last 6 years or what I doubt Bamz will be taking a lubing for the ass sechs they want to lay upon the country with this shitty oril pipe so fuck off

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