And, as in Bosnia, these good country volk resent the big city dwellers, or "urban" people as it were.

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Except that I always thought that being someone's ally was sort of a reciprocal arrangement.

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Miss Lindsay's campaign slogan is "A vote for me is a vote for war." Which I guess she thinks is somehow manly.

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No problem, they always have shoes they can throw.

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At the risk of seriously offending the Jew Church People (sorry, love that euphemism) on this site with this non-comment, why are we (the US) so afraid to admit that Israel can take care of itself militarily? Netanyahu is a paranoid nutball who I think is more in love with political power than his own people, Israel cries like a baby with a booboo when attacked by Palestinians (but has been able to kill about 7 Palestinians for every 1 Israeli since about 2000 http://israelipalestinian.p... and they already have a nuclear arsenal. But at the end of the day, I think the idea of peace scares the Israeli government more than war.

This is similar to the deal with Cuba earlier this year, which I thought would never happen while the Castros were still alive. But Obama made a good point when he said that the embargo failed. Just like the economic sanctions failed. It only drove them to work with unscrupulous nations.

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Tweety had the little bastard nailed. The RWAC's called it AMBUSH JOURNALISM!

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I am pretty sure that Isreal could single handedly depopulate the entire of the middle east if they really wanted to.

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You dont understand the state then.Chicagoland proper, sure. But the rest of the state is as rural as Kentucky. Dont you slander Dirksen w your out of state talk!

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Ugh ambassador! They also made carol something something ambassador to new Zealand! She maaaaaay be worse.Carol Mosley Braun! That's the ticket!

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Well, to be fair, Israel can only take care of itself thanks to the obscene amount of foreign aid that the US provides, including access to military technology - either through legitimate or clandestine means

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That was likely true at a time. Point is, do they still need us to prop them up, or are they holding their own? Sounds like they hold their own. And if this article is to be believed, the average Israeli citizen is given more in US aid than the average US citizen is given in US aid. Scroll to the '

U.S. Aid to Israel: What U.S. Taxpayer Should Know' section.http://www.wrmea.org/congre...

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My unbeloved Prime Minister Harper 🍁has decided to continue with sanctions against Iran. Yeah, we are not a resource rich country, highly dependent on trade, heading into a recession or anything.

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Geeze! What an asshat! What an ignoramus! What a lip-gibbering blabbermouf!

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I'm not touching no GOP diapers.

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We will be watching next time.

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