Hey only a senator could give such totally perfected defense for mass shootings

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LooneyThune apparently started his own personal "get small" effort with his brain. No wonder he's a Republican.I'll bet he will be receiving some big bucks from the NRA for THAT idiotic comment!

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I'm sure he wanted to use one of those t-shirt guns, but it was too soon after Las Vegas.

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That's how he referred to himself in the 80's.

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A plus for the rest of us.

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Is this what Mr. Thune had in mind?


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Per the Las Vegas Sheriff's Department's press briefing at 6:00 PM 10/3/17: All the shooter's rifles had bump stocks.

I guess it isn't a basically worthless novelty if you're only going to use it once.

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Want to "stop tragedies like this from happening again"? STOP LETTING PEOPLE HAVE ASSAULT WEAPONS, you stupid, ignorant dumb fuck. Or you could just keep on taking $181,215 from the NRA and shut the fuck up because you really don't give a shit about "tragedies like this" and the people it hurts. Fuck you.

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Or the UK. I would love to see him try this logic on us. The comedians alone would would rip him to shreds.

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How not to be seen 😵


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(too little time to look downthread)Steve Martin had a monologue about getting "small" but that was ~35 years ago so given their rate of accepting new things other than gunz, that's about right.

Looks like Wackelpudding got there.

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instead of not praying hard enough, is shrinking hard enough going to be the new Protestant excuse for bad shit happening? (as opposed to the Catholics version of the phrase "shit happens":"If shit happens, I deserve it,".Protestants believe "Shit won't happen if I work harder." )

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Porquoi pas lez deux?

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really? I'm 4'10" and I used to be able to curl up in any airline seat but not anymore (of course the 35 lbs of post baby, post 40ith b'day weight hasn't helped)

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the NRA- the latest american construct to morph into a terrorist organization promoting the random murder of U.S. citizens, along with the repiglican party, the NAZI koch brothers, the mercers and a whole slew of other scumbags that really want all of us "useless feeders" out of the way.

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Armor-piercing billets for shootin' armadillos? Or maybe for the flat-Earthers who think humans and dinosaurs lived together. Maybe they think there are some stegasauruses hiding in the tropical rain forests.

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