Oh fucking hell. What a bunch of assholes.

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Yay! I guess I won't have to pay for prostate exams and Viagra anymore!

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How many people in the government know anything about science, math, or medicine?

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that's kind of Colyandro's thing, to be fair. he was one of the guys helped Tom Delay launder campaign donations and then took a plea deal on it. by my count he's still got at least a year before he's supposed to be anywhere near political money like that of this stupid PAC (which I'm pretty sure is funded by the Koch brothers).

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In this administration? I'm guessing not a whole hell of a lot (that is, if they know anything AT ALL about science, math and medicine.

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Why don't they just come out and say, "I only look out for me."? I'm sure there are voters who agree with them. Just own being a dick.

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Why is the American taxpayer paying for this used asswipe's healthcare coverage? I would think since he follows the "every man for himself" type of mantra, he'd DENY the FREE coverage and opt to pay. If the government wanted to do away with free healthcare coverage for politicians, you'd see this guy at the front of the line, pissing and moaning about his "rights bein' taken away". Dumbfuck!

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Dogmatic ideology is a lot easier if you don't get all tangled up in messy "facts" or so-called "reality."

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senator literally translates as "from senex (genitive senis) "old man, old" (see senile)" see the senile part?

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What about after my tonsillectomy, why should I be covering other people's ENT procedures?

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That works.

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Perhaps it has been answered, but when does this guy face reelection. Democrats should be nominating a strong woman candidate right now. This is the sort of comment that gets Senators dis-elected.

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Most PP refer for mammograms. Planned Parenthood is awesome.

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It was eventually, yes.

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well, the trooper cavity searches in this state which were quite the scandal a couple years ago were only of lady parts.

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