I like that. I will have to write that down and remember it. I once went into a post office and asked the guy at the counter if I could write a stamp for some checks. He laughed and said "Anything you want, dear."

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Donald Trump stands on the issues. That all he ever says about them.

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This is truly the thing. The whole thing.

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"This election is eminently winnable." Notice he didn't say *who* would win.

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Orrin Hatch is one of the strangest people on the planet. How can he support Trump in the same week he's speaking at Muhammad Ali's funeral? There couldn't be two people on earth who stand/stood for more opposite things. Hatch was also BFFs with Ted Kennedy. Ted was Mr. Healthcare and Obama not only voted against the ACA, he called it "designed to fail" and claimed it would lead to socialized medicine. He constantly carries on about fiscal responsibility, yet he is one of the Senate's top earmarkers. Like McCain, he's another one of those senators who will do ANYTHING to hang on to their job.

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I can't wait to hear what they have to say for him when he shits his pants or spits up his milk.

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It is amazing, the huge archive of great screenshots of Trump. Even richer than Palin's archive!

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No, I think they left out that last step.

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Yeah, he apparently gets a mulligan if he's Prez. The first nuclear strike on us doesn't count.

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The man is a gaffe machine that makes Dubya look like an amateur.

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I think you meant Hatch voted against the ACA, not Obama.

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Can't take credit, my lil' sis uttered the now famous in our fambly take on personal responsibility. Use it at will if it helps you be a better person in any way, big, small or medium.

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I wonder if Mitch McConnell actually thinks his threatadvice means anything more than boom boom in a didie (sp?) to DonaldthedonaldTrump? I suspect Turtle knows better, but I'm hoping he sees himself as being a peer with Trump, or perhaps even superior because he's a senator and Trump's not. I hope that because life will be even more better when Trumpalump wipes his shoe with Yertle's advice.

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To anyone who thinks it's a horrible not good thing that Democrats have superdelegates, the current state of the GOP should be food for thought. It's damn nice to have an emergency escape pod when you need it.

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It's not that strange. He's simply a man with no principles and no shame.

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