The readily available publication "Mr. Smith Is Dead" that describes how the Republican (and, yes, a few Democratic) Senators and Congress people used 9/11 to garner huge porkbarrel projects. <a href="http://www.dnipogo.org/fcs/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.dnipogo.org/fcs/spartacus_mr_smith.htm">http://www.dnipogo.org/fcs/...

These cost the lives of American service women and men, because much of the money came out of the equipment maintenance and repair budgets. Yes, we sent unarmoured Humvees to Iraq.

It's a terrible story - because of the naked lies and greed, and because so little has changed today.

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<i>"... lawmakers cannot determine the military’s budgetary needs..."</i>

They should ask a bunch of old male clerics what the military needs. Those guys sure knew what women should have.

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All foreign military costs should be paid with a tax on gasoline. Everyone needs to pay for war.

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We can't keep killing everyone on earth who doesn't like us, it's way too expensive! How about we just offer $100 cash to every Afghani, Paki, North Korean, or whomever to just LIKE us? We'll lose less prestige, soldiers, and come out ahead financially.

Oh, I see. It's the dead foreigners that this is all about.

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