DC residents should have the same rights as other US citizens, as should all the disenfranchised people in the territories of the Holy American Empire: Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and maybe American Samoa (a special case). However, some of the islands are quite small, so could maybe be consolidated into 2 states: one for the Pacific and one for the Caribbean.

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I suppose that there's a vintage market for damned near everything.

Setting fire to Nazi gear remains far more noble that making a profit off of it.

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Puerto Rico seems to really not want statehood. (Based entirely on FB people who jumped on one comment of mine saying they should have it including the awesome Mayor. So totally "scientific" survey...but overwhelming responses were "hell no, we want autonomy.")


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I know. Joe Biden's offering a free COVID test to any American that wants one.

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Set up? By their accounts on the documentary, she was involved too. She is grotesque beyond belief.

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much like the reason covid took off in NY/WA/CA/CHI that's were the people live.

DC is where the people live. DC needs to vote.

these people need to FOAD.

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""From a South Carolina point of view, this is not a good deal for us. Being two of 50 is better than being two of 52," the noted math whiz explained, "This would dilute South Carolina's say in the United States Senate.""

Uhhh. 2 of 100 right?

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May I suggest Dom and Sub Carolina?

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I happen to love the French quite a bit, actually.

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My youngest son is a biologist working and living in DC, his job is to trace Covid outbreaks to safely try and open businesses for Homeland Security. I know, what a jerk. He sure as heck shouldn't have any votes in Congress. Born and raised in Wisconsin.

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I figured out a while back "I don't see color." means black and brown people are invisible to them.

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I saw the March Hare in the top photo, and out of my peripheral view I saw the bar graph, with orange bars. I thought they were carrots at first.

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Can confirm: live in san francisco, am atheist, would vote democrat, am french.

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Do you think David Koch and Sheldon Adelson are made of money?

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Power grabs are what these fuckers have done at the state levels. I hate these undemocratic fuckers and I'm fucking sick of their fucking boots on my motherfucking face.

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It starts with one or two people in a family who say, Wait, wut? that don't seem quite right...Repeating myself in these wonker circles, but I am forever grateful to the folks 3 and 4 generations back in my own family who broke with the insane crowd (look up "Free Methodist" for a hint, then add a heaping scoop of racism and xenophobia) and incrementally, decade by decade, generation by generation, worked to see the world and our fellow humans for who they are, not some paranoid fantasy of them. Thanks, grands and great grands and all of the crowd.

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