Leaving him with Hookham, Bookham, Crookham & Dunham. Not even Boyd, Dewey, Cheatham & Howe will touch him.

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A beer and a brat. He replaced Eric Cantor, who Virginia voters didn't find bat-guano-crazy enough.

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Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel LIBELZZZ!!!@!!1,1,1!1, 1!1,!1!!,1!

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A boor and a brat.


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I doubt if Sessions will resign. Trump has been deliberately humiliating him for a week or so.

Of course, if there is a big enough pay-off, maybe Laidregard will take it. Supreme Court appointment, mebbe?

But he would have to trust Trump to follow through on such a promise and Trump has made it clear that Sessions is to Trump as whale shit is to the bottom of the ocean.

So hang in there, you old evil elf. You will do much, permanent damage to the nation by staying but even worse by quitting in a snit.

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Tough choice! Who do Republican Congresscreeps love more, the mangled apricot hellbeast or racist Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies?!?

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Latest word is that a new AG can't fire Mueller. Only the Deputy AG who appointed him can fire him.

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That was one guy, though.

Every so often a huge school of thought on the "End Times" gains traction and become almost mainstream. The interpretation of the Book of Revelation that led to the "Left Behind" books is a recent example. All the wackiness surrounding the year 2000 is another. When I was growing up, it was the theories put forward in the book "the Late Great Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsy that predicted World War III between the US and USSR and the sunsequent Anti-Christ. Obviously its a cash grab by people trying to sell books, but it seems to get a new spin every few years before they are proven false by the passage of time, forgotten, and re-invented.

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i speak from the future: they did! hollywood ending!

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Was that a typo, or did you mean to spell his name as "gonad with a D"?

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I don't think they were upset about what he said so much as that it looked like a bad move strategically."How dare he say that terrible thing (that might lose us votes)!"

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Wouldn't you?

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I've admired him for years.

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Oh I suspect that Sessions is doing something behind the scenes that keeps him off that road.

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Repubs have their "King of all Bigots", Jeffy Sessions. They don't want to lose him.

If a nuclear missile hits Washington DC, only roaches and Jeffy will be left alive.

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If he had any fraction of a brain, it would be in a jar of formaldhyde.

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