I thought Gingrich got rid of the CRS back when he was King Turd on Shit Island.

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So there's a chance it didn't happen that way?

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Also, I know someone who smoked all their life and didn't get cancer. Therefore wrong, QED.

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These are the same shitheads that complain about, say, IPCC reports being "politicized".

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...good point

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<a href="http://www.conservapedia.co..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.conservapedia.com/Starlight_problem#Hu...">http://www.conservapedia.co...

The conservatards use relativity when they need it, and deny it when they don't. Fucking asswipes don't even try for conisistency.

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I believe they've gone one better and put their fingers in everyone else's ears, saying "nanananana nobody can hear YOU now" to the Congressional Research Service.

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Mitch McConnell updates the truism: "he who controls the past because SHUT UP."

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in defense of my twice over alma mater i must say i never had any austrian.

though of course i majored in shakespeare and early modern europe with a concentration on france and italy.

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The GOP don't need no steenkin' facts! The GOPpers want the methods "adjusted", to the point where Reagan's policies appear to be correlated with the Clinton boom years. Once that's accomplished, the methodology is obviously perfect, and Republicans will never shut up about what wonderful proof they have that tinkle-down economics works.

The plain and simple fact, which they can't/won't face up to, it that over the past 20 years, the rich have gleefully taken the billions they've saved thanks to lowered taxes, and banked it.

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A Pearl of Great Markup, at any rate.

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I'm sure the Congressional teabaggers, good Xtians all, take to heart Jeebus' instructions to "give unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's." Like, you know, <i>taxes. </i>

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they should just re-establish the inquisition and be done with it.

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Well, except that this obscure research report, and the dickheaded Repbublican reaction to it, is now all over the news. Like the parade of climate reports that they just don't want to hear about. Funny thing, though: despite GOP efforts to squelch the topic, people seem have been <i>noticing the weather</i> lately.

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Well, once you get past<a href="http:\/\/www.tumblr.com\/tagged\/world-turtle" target="_blank"> the four titanic elephants</a> it is.

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1. Big Republican donors didn't like the analysis. 2. Paul Ryan and other fans of his budget proposal didn't like the analysis. 3. Democrats liked the analysis and would've found useful ammunition.

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