I keep forgetting that you are still masked up. Over here, thats mostly over now, everybody vaccinated takes their bets with Omicron. If you are boosted, it hurts like a f**ker if you get it, bodypain. But it clears out day 5 and then you get little flashes. We are like 7 friends who caught it at the same time last week, kind of funny. Its everywhere now, but we are riding it out.

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They should try wearing a gasmask for 3 hours.

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We are still shocked, not angry. Its a problem.

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I'd much rather they be banned for "convicted of on-air disruptions" than on the word of the flight crew.In the first case there is due process and a chance for the person charged to defend himself. In the second case it's subjective with no right of appeal.

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Nah, you wouldnt airlock Sarah, come on. Roger Stone, definetly. Steve Bannon? With cannons. But Palin is a relic now. She should run against Trump and she would be sane.

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FFS, leave Makala alone.

How does it feel?

Fuck you, that's how it feels!

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Masks aren’t the only reason these freaks act up; TSA has also interdicted more guns than ever during pre-flight patdowns. Didn’t SCOTUS rule that private biz can deny service to folks they find objectionable? Moot really, since MS is so eo compromised these days, but you couldn’t pay US to get on a plane while this is considered acceptable behavior. Recently belated PJ O’Rourke had a rather libertarian take on such things, saying something like: You have one right - to do what you please - and one responsibility- to accept the consequences.

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Call them what they are, terrorists. Terrorists go on the no fly list. Republicans support terrorists.

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Ever notice all of these said assholes are WHITE?

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Shit, they should try staying in MOPP 4 for 18+ hours. In fact, that should be part of their sentence.

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Speaking of which, where the hell are all the robots in the Trek universe? Hell, we have Roombas now.

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They only believe "Law and order" applies to POC. Wypipo can do whatever they want, when they want, in their belief.

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Amended: It should ban them from air travel on ANY carrier. It's shanks mare for them from now on.

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It's the classic case of "Oh, you had sex without a condom so now we all have to suffer."

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Shame would be the purpose.

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