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Ha ha, tell that to some of those cool-guy "intellectuals"

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I'm angry at people who twist the minds of innocent children, even if it's their own children. All children deserve to have their minds enriched, challenged, and encouraged instead of being taught to parrot lies and not question authority.

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oh just fuck me now.

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I saw that just a few days ago, it was a good scene. I think Season 2 is even better than Season 1, although to be honest I didn't care for the episode that focused on Princess Margaret - what a wasted and useless life! Princess Margaret was Just Not Very Interesting.

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Well, the Soviet Union collapsed, don't you know... So therefore we can throw the socialist baby out with the stalinist bathwater.

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Secular home schoolers are awesome, I grew up with some people that were home schooled. They were being taught science and evidence based facts. They took field trips to plays and forest preserves and museums. They grew up to be well adjusted adults who transitioned easily into public colleges or universities or trades. They weren't made to believe they were evil or headed to hell because they were gay, or didn't want to get married right away, or questioned authority, or were critical thinkers.

There should be anger at non-secular home schoolers. If parents want to pay book publishers and churches to brainwash their own children, they can go ahead and do that. But I don't want children brainwashed on my dime. Separation of church and state...it's in the Constitution, the First Amendment. Also in the Treaty of Tripoli. I'm more pissed that ANY religious entitiy is getting my money, than I am that the military gets as much of my money as it does. At least the military is useful.

And not only are getting tax dollars directly, if they're attached to an actual church, the church is tax exempt for a whole ton of other stuff! So we taxpayers get screwed twice by religious entities.

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Neil Young can stay.

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Home college already exists! It's great for some classes, not so much for others.

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I think quite a few degrees could be earned or mostly earned online: Mathy ones, English Majors, IT, Financial Sector, etc., as long as they're from accredited colleges. I think it would save people who wanted to go into these fields a lot of money. For most degrees, your presence in class is required, though.

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Never end a sentence with a proposition; wanna fuckwads?

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A lot of homeschoolers are equally unimpressed. We're mostly NOT Bible thumping, but just regular parents trying to do the best we can for our kids in a school system that isn't working for them. https://giftedhomeschoolers...

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So public funding for madrassas?

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"If a stone axe was good enough for grampa it's good enough for me!"

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If the Croc fits...

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