By Christmas we should be like a whiteish Somalia. How appealing.

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...yeah, they think just because the mechanism of their default is different that the outcome won't be the same:

<strong>GREECE</strong>: low domestic output + high debt + artificially inflated real estate = banks don't want lend you money(insolvency)! Which in turn means you can't pay your bill and when you don't pay your bills you are in <strong>DEFAULT!!!</strong>

<strong>Murrica</strong>: can easily raise the "Debt Ceiling" and pay its bills but due to the antics of a few dozen ideologues won't. It doesn't matter if you do or don't have the finances to pay your bills, the question is did you actually pay it!!! Try this one day with your mortgage: keep the payment in your bank account and don't pay your mortgage and when the mortgage company foreclose(because you <strong>DEFAULTED</strong>) tell them no, because you actually have the cash to pay but decided not to!!!

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Who is this Almighty of which you speak? Are they on the NYSE or Standard & Poor's? If the latter, we hardly need trouble ourselves about what they think; they're probably some form of bond trading peasants.

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$80,000 a week is quite the "small business." Be interesting to see who they vote for next time around.

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See, there's a concession there already! Ball's in Obama's court now.

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...the Tea-hadist are right, a default won't be that bad! <strong>I mean, look how good GREECE is doing?!</strong> **sobbing silently into palms**

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Hurting you is the last thing I'd ever want to do. It's still on the<i> list, </i>but....

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...they also love paganism and the buttsecs!

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The Republican rank-in-file will never acknowledge their complicity in helping this happen because Fox News said this is all Obama's fault. It must be nice to just believe whatever they tell you without any critical thought or accepting any responsibility for the outcome. Assholes.

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Great. Another Whitewater scandal.

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