Lying and making up straw man arguments is what the GOP have. They cheat with endless gerrymandering and limiting election access. They lie. They make up boogiemen like β€œAntifa” whenever right-wing violence happens, which is often. They are spineless, hateful, tiresome worms who wave flags and bibles instead of demonstrating real courage, integrity or virtues.

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Oh, I think he does approve of that. Thus the award. But he is trying to parse the worse parts to sell it to everyone else.

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and since none of them have the intelligence, integrity or substance to be independent candidates, pander they will

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they are ex-parrots

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Medicare scam fortunes? and why are they still pushing their influence around? Oh yeah, Florida and white. (meanwhile, when Fucking Ted Cruz shut down the govmint, my reimbursements were decreased due to sequestration)

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Norwegian Blue?I liked Krieger's parrot better

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even worms have a use. These assholes are useless to the good of the planet or humanity

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"Putting on the Riiiiiitz!"

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He's a transplant. :\

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You'd think they would have gone after the money harder, but it was all "Well he took the 5th like 77 times and just won't incriminate himself, so we have no direct link so...

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I was up the hill delivering home-school materials to a family... buh-cuz that's just the kind of guy I am, and passed a sign for "Trump 2020" (so dated!) next to "Impeach Biden/Harris", which was a new one to me. Up my very small street are two Drumpf flags "I'll be back, 2024" and so on. So you may get the idea I live where the large-headed banjo-players live. And you would be 1/2 right. My delivery took me way Out There, at the end of a dirt track that was an adventure in my Tundra. Instead of shacks though, as in the Deliverance reference, we see trailers. Lots and lots of trailers. Tarps, dogs, cats, dirty kids, and stuff just everywhere. Out of the truck doing recon after a wrong turn I got a whiff of fresh bud. I half expected my last sight to be a .223 round exiting my chest.

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Only the really stupid keep licking Drumpf's ass believing it's a chocolate lotte.

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We saw Cheeto watching the riot because idiot son #1 tweeted a photo of it. Lie to me if you must but don't like to me about easily verifiable facts. Its insulting, mostly to yourself.

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Spineless Republican (redundant, I know) theme song:β€œWhat makes the elephant charge his tusk? Courage!What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage! What do they have that we ain’t got! Courage!”

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What have the self-proclaimed "America lovers" done to bring the failed coup plotters to justice?

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