Mitch - show us da money!

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He's an incompetent fascist. That's one good thing, I guess?

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Yeah, all of a sudden, they'll come to their senses. "The executive branch is out of control!!". We see you, you grubby little shits.

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These corrupt misogynists are even bad at socializms.

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Several orders of magnitude.

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The answer, unfortunately, is lawyers. This is a clear violation of Constitutional rights.

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Nope. I also have plenty for his supporters and (especially) his enablers.

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My kitchen table only seats 2 people, so I got these little, wooden, tables for 1 person at Walmart. They pivot anywhere! Right now, a fan sits on one, and a Star Wars 1,000 piece puzzle on another!

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"maybe the stimmy could be broken into several smaller chunks so the emergency unemployment renewal and some other stuff could be passed right away,"

Definately NO ! This is the oldest trick in the book for the Rs. They always throw this out when they are not gonna get what they want. They tried on SS and Medicare with tax increases, base closures, 2008 Recession, and with Immigration during Bush jr. You can see how Immigration bills have passed at that time and since.

Simple politics is the reason. That if they get what they want, then pressure on them is gone, and they say "fuk you" and walk. They gotta be put over the barrel to get a deal. And the bigger the barrel, the better.

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Oh yeah.I spent my entire career in business. I would not elect a business man to govern anything. That's why I'm a progressive. I know those assholes.

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OK, puzzle pieces are a very serious deal. does your table have enough space to put all the pieces, face up, before you start doing the outside?

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i had a client who invariably chose to rent to idiots who always tore the place up before they went; it got to be heartbreaking.

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Yep. Unemployment money is like low income money. It all goes back into the economy very quickly.

IMHO Never buy your own company's stock. You already have enough eggs in that basket. Get financial advice for goals, risk, time, whatever.

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Yippie Hi Ho Kiy Ya, Roy !

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No. :( I do shifts.

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