He <i>did</i> get rid of that really stupid birthday cake and Bible, so there's that.

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He's just as knowledgeable about climatology, economics and womens' health.

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Homonculus libel!

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Nice dogwhistle there.

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...or the last five

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Oh, do shut up <a href="http:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2014\/06\/01\/us\/bergdahl-deserter-or-hero\/index.html\?hpt=hp_t1" target="_blank">CNN</a>. Or at least wait until his boots hit American soil before pulling this crap.

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I learn so much on this site and by using that search engine with the satellites and glasses and cars. :-)

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I just cant believe he would want released after only 5 years what the hell.And Obama should have worked out a deal to trade them about 1500 nuke missiles instead of 5 damn rock farmers and at least delayed it until Queen Sarah and Mountie Ted were in office,has the man no morals whatever

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<i>"There is also talk that Bergdahl is a deserter who went AWOL from his base after becoming disillusioned by the war. "</i>

His father has a long Taliban-like beard. AND NO COWBOY HAT. Case closed.

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Shades of 82 through 86.

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BERGDHALZI !!!111I!!!!!!!!

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All the upfists (well, one).

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Derailed train of thought here: The Qataries are going to use their new toys to ensure FIFA keeps the 2022 World Cup in their country.

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It's almost as if a recent Wonkette post showed us that negotiating with terrorists is a time-honored tradition. Excuse me while I spend a few hours trying to find that post.

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<i>However he came to be off-base when he was captured, it seems he was held against his will for the last five years.</i>

Yeah, but did you see what he was <i>wearing</i>? He was <i>totally</i> asking for it, IMHO.

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