Didn't Kevin Spacey ask one guy for sexual favors, the guy said no, and Spacey backed off? Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Does he have a pattern of abuse going back years and years?

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This is today's Democratic Party.

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Must be raining. Just showers, though. Wonder what color the are?

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The theory --and I, for one, commend them for have the chutzpah to say it out loud and for the record -- is that (wait for it) corporations will take their tax savings and return it to back workers in the form of higher wages. Does anybody around here have an idea of the history of working people in the United States? These fuckers have, in the not all that distant past, literally shot people to death rather than give them higher wages. FFS/

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Spacey's show has shut down production of season six.

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The domestic ones make good pets, actually. I've never had one as a pet, but I have a friend who did and it was the sweetest thing.

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Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: First Series

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Forbes says they are staying...but the regular deduction if you have big medical costs or to pay for grandma’s nursing home is getting axed

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You too, can help provide these poor children buy their way into Ivy League schools, upgrade from gold plate to gold filled, and start up the slave labor clothing production lines they so desperately need. For less than the price of a chartered jet per day, you could change a child's life forever.

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Yep, you like your 2 day weekend, your 8 instead of 10-12 hour day, your (what used to be) living wage? Union people DIED for those.

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Trump said I'm getting a $4000 raise. I asked my boss and he laughed at me. All day. Never heard the end of it. So I expect Trump to call my boss and set his ass straight.

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Believe it or not, my wife and Would benefit tremendously from this tax plan. This does not mean we are in favor of it but we started an S-Corp for the construction biz many years ago to add another layer of protection. The unintended consequences of this action included getting a kid through a very expensive school for very little and qualifying for Obama Care subsidies, now this. Our mortgage is below $500K.I am not gloating at all but it is the case. I still drive a 96 GMC and my wife has a 2000 Subaru, the house needs paint and the carpet is from the 70's but this one weird trick...

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My admittedly flawed theory is that these days in the U.S. our out-of-pocket more or less covers the true cost of procedures, and all the other money involved is profit extracted from the process.

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