no not the senate. we have a better shot at the house and i'm not optimistic about that. the senate we're defending like 2 to 1.

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Nothing puts a gleam in the eyes and a smile on the faces of Republicans/cons like the prospect of decimating the middle class and stomping on the poor, the needy and the desperate.

That's what their billionaire owners pay the GOP to do; they might as well just say it.

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Cheers, darling.

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True fact: David Koch survived an airplane crash. Sigh.

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I have a REALLY good joke here. But I don't wanna receive the hammer.

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I feel very fortunate that Twitler is such an unlikeable, stupid fk-up; everything he touches turns to sh!t. If he were really good at being a sociopathic dictator like Hitler or Stalin, we could be in a far worse mess.

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That's why they're known as the "RepubliCON" party 'round here.

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A sensible candidate for a better America.

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Fox News is telling them "It's Great! #MAGA!"


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"because they paid good money for their Republican majorities and now it’s time for the hired help to deliver."


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I'm wondering if McCain will vote for the tax cuts, and also, an obligatory "fuck you" John McCain:"Palin resigned the governorship of Alaska less than a year after she and McCain lost to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. She reinvented herself as a TV fixture, mostly on Fox News, and helped stoke a gathering populist wave that manifested itself as the Tea Party movement. In 2011, a little-known conservative filmmaker named Stephen Bannon made a documentary about Palin called The Undefeated; he was convinced she could win the presidency itself in 2012 if she tapped into the country’s growing anti-establishment fervor. In the end, of course, it was Trump whom Bannon helped storm the Oval Office, but for many, Palin was the prototype. And it was McCain who brought her to the national stage.

Palin is a “wonderful person,” McCain told me. He says he lost his presidential run because of his own shortcomings, the near-implosion of Wall Street toward the end of the campaign, and a “biased” and unfriendly press, particularly when it came to Palin. “To blame things on Sarah Palin is a cop-out,” he said. “The fact is that they were out to get her. They ridiculed her. They denigrated her.”"

I've always blamed McCain for foisting Palin on the world, AND that eventually gave us Trump. In conclusion, FUCK John McCain.http://www.esquire.com/news...

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I hate it when they say "Democrat", it's "Democratic", Sarah, you insane pile of rabbit droppings.

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Because unlike the spineless Democratic Majority in the first Obama term, these fuckers follow through on their threats.


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Most people have someone do their taxes for them. That's who's getting calls.

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certainly....but i believe, cuz history proves it, the killings will come and it will not discriminate....so a rich liberal is just as likely to get a bullet as a rich conservative in this situation.

you might be lucky if you have nothing and stay out of the way.

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it was cuz Occupy was mostly students, kids...when it starts effecting them, they'll be ready to murder folks.

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